Upcoming International Congress on Bishop Oliba

As part of the 1000th anniversary celebrations of the accession of Oliba to the Bishopric of Osona (Vic), our Barcelona PI, Matthias M. Tischler has organised an international congress to reflect on Oliba’s life, his historical context and his impact on the Catalan church. Papers will be delivered from a range of international scholars, including our…

Synergy Event Barcelona 24-26 May 2018

In the sunny and stimulating environment of the cities of Barcelona and Vic, the members of the ‘After Empire’ project, as well as Sumi Shimahara (Paris), Philippe Depreux (Hamburg) and Charles West (Sheffield) visited various archives and libraries studying early medieval Catalan manuscripts. This was done as part of the preparation of a bilingual (English…

Barcelona Synergy Event, May 24th-26th 2018

Participants: Stefan Esders (Berlin), Sarah Greer (St Andrews), Sarah Hamilton (Exeter), Alice Hicklin (Berlin), Simon MacLean (St Andrews), Ekaterina Novokhatko (Barcelona), Lenneke van Raaij (Exeter), Matthias M. Tischler (Barcelona), Jelle Wassenaar (Vienna) Philippe Depreux (Hamburg), Sumi Shimahara (Paris), Charles West (Sheffield) This synergy event allowed scholars to investigate several important manuscripts located in Catalan archives…

New website for Catalan manuscripts

In collaboration with the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, the After Empire project is pleased to announce the launch of a new website which will track ninth- to eleventh-century Catalan manuscripts, part of Prof. Dr. Matthias M. Tischler and Ekaterina Novokhatko’s research on ‘From Carolingian Periphery to European Central Region: The Written Genesis of Catalonia’. The…

Interview with Matthias M. Tischler in Catalunya Cristiana

Our PI in Barcelona, Matthias M. Tischler, has recently given an interview to Catalunya Cristiana. In his interview, Matthias presents the aims of our HERA-project “After Empire” (UNUP), discussing in this framework the more or less unknown richness of the legacy of Carolingian and post-Carolingian manuscripts from long tenth-century Catalonia and the necessity of an adequate presentation…