The End of After Empire

After three years, it’s finally time for the After Empire project to come to a close. Over the course of our project, our ten members have been hard at work collaborating with each other and with people both inside and outside of academia on tenth- and eleventh-century history in a variety of forms. In addition…

Updated interactive map for Catalonian manuscripts

Through the hard work of our Barcelona project members Matthias Tischler and Ekaterina Novokhatko, we now have an updated interactive map illustrating the origin and provenance of the 9th- to 11th-century manuscripts that they have examined over the 3 years of their strand of the ‘After Empire’ project, “From Carolingian Periphery to European Central Region:…

Project Report – Exeter Meeting January 2018

On 26 January 2018 eight members of After Empire gathered in Exeter for an internal project meeting, where we also had two collaborative meetings with our project partners. Firstly, we met with Rebecca Sullivan, CEO of the Historical Association, for a productive meeting discussing how the project might best meet the needs of teachers whose…

Conference Report: Oliba de Vic. Un bisbe de mil anys enrere/ Oliba of Vic. A Bishop One Thousand Years Ago

Organisers: Prof. Dr. Matthias M. Tischler (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona/ICREA), Mn. Robert Baró Cabrera (Ateneu Universitati Sant Pacià) and Dr. Marc Sureda i Jubany (Museu Episcopal de Vic) Date, Place: 8.–10. 11. 2018, Barcelona, Bellaterra and Vic Report by Ekaterina Novokhatko, Institut d’Estudis Medievals, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, e-mail: Questions on European identity and…

Upcoming International Congress on Bishop Oliba

As part of the 1000th anniversary celebrations of the accession of Oliba to the Bishopric of Osona (Vic), our Barcelona PI, Matthias M. Tischler has organised an international congress to reflect on Oliba’s life, his historical context and his impact on the Catalan church. Papers will be delivered from a range of international scholars, including our…

New publication from Matthias M. Tischler

Our Barcelona PI, Matthias M. Tischler, has recently published an article on new research into Carolingian manuscripts and public history in 21st-century Catalonia: ‘Pergamins plens de pols i pobles particulars. Nova recerca en matèria de manuscrits carolingis i d’història pública a la Catalunya del segle XXI’, Zeitschrift für Katalanistik 31 (2018), 345–349. You can download…

Barcelona Synergy Event, May 24th-26th 2018

Participants: Stefan Esders (Berlin), Sarah Greer (St Andrews), Sarah Hamilton (Exeter), Alice Hicklin (Berlin), Simon MacLean (St Andrews), Ekaterina Novokhatko (Barcelona), Lenneke van Raaij (Exeter), Matthias M. Tischler (Barcelona), Jelle Wassenaar (Vienna) Philippe Depreux (Hamburg), Sumi Shimahara (Paris), Charles West (Sheffield) This synergy event allowed scholars to investigate several important manuscripts located in Catalan archives…