PhD Student (Exeter)

BA, MA (Utrecht)

In 2016, I obtained my research master degree in Medieval History at Utrecht University. During my masters, I focused on Carolingian history and manuscript studies. At the Huygens Institute for Dutch History, I specialised further in Carolingian manuscripts. Medieval views on the past have always fascinated me. My masters thesis was on the Carolingian reception of the works of the ancient historians Sallust and Justinus based on the notes in the margins of contemporary manuscripts.

Based in Exeter, I will continue working on the reception of the past as a PhD student. My research seeks to discover what liturgical sources in the long tenth century (900-1050) can tell us about the uses of the past. The diocese of Trier will be taken as a case study. Liturgy in the long tenth century was very diverse and choices to incorporate certain versions of hagiographical texts, prayers and hymns were consciously made to stress certain elements of the (local) past. Hopefully, I will be able to explain why certain pasts were communicated through liturgy and what sources were used to achieve this.

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