Interview with Matthias M. Tischler in Catalunya Cristiana

Our PI in Barcelona, Matthias M. Tischler, has recently given an interview to Catalunya Cristiana. In his interview, Matthias presents the aims of our HERA-project “After Empire” (UNUP), discussing in this framework the more or less unknown richness of the legacy of Carolingian and post-Carolingian manuscripts from long tenth-century Catalonia and the necessity of an adequate presentation of this integral part of Europe’s early medieval history in the 21st century. He shows that our picture of the post-Carolingian era would be incomplete if we would not take into consideration the contributions of transforming the variegated Carolingian culture in a middle-ground of encounters and entanglements that medieval Catalonia was in the Euro-mediterranean world. The pioneering Barcelona project thus also contributes to the full integration of Early Medieval Studies in Catalonia into the international network of top-level research.

You can download the interview here in Spanish and in Catalan.
