In this project, we aim to explore the migrant experiences of Middle Eastern Christian communities in Europe. The case studies of the Coptic Orthodox, Assyrian/Syriac and Iraqi Christians in the UK, Denmark and Sweden allow a cross-community and cross-country comparative study of the cultural encounters while also exploring their transnational nature.
We will look at what factors determine identity strategies, internal debates relating to these encounters, perceptions of these encounters in the countries of residence and relations between the communities and other migrants from the homeland.
Our fieldwork sites are London and Kirkcaldy in the UK, Copenhagen and Aarhus in Denmark and Stockholm and Södertälje in Sweden.
Through interviews, surveys, fieldwork, archival research and workshops, this project will address Middle Eastern Christian migrant experiences from a social and cultural perspective in order to contribute to a wider understanding of the impact of faith‐based communities on European states and societies.
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تستطيع تحميل موجز من المشروع الذي يتضمن الدراسة الاستطلاعية باللغة العربية .
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