We have compiled a list of resources relating to our topic of Middle Eastern Christians. These are all freely accessible but please note that any views expressed in linked sources reflect opinions on that site and not those of the DIMECCE team. We hope that you will find these useful.
- Christians in the Middle East Research Network
- Arab West Report
Translations of Arab, predominantly Egyptian media focusing mostly on Muslim-Christian relations - Assyrian International News Agency
News and analysis of Assyrian issues worldwide in English - Assyrian articles, reports, research and literature
- Information on Assyrian issues in Swedish
- Syriac people portal in English, German and Turkish
- Assyrian/Chaldean/Syriac website in Arabic
- Coptic Diaspora Survey Results
- Coptic Orthodox Church in Denmark
- Coptic Orthodox Church in Sweden
- Coptic Orthodox Church Centre UK
- United Copts of Great Britain
- Intercultural Christian Centre Denmark
- Migrant Churches in Denmark resource webpage
- Iraqis in Denmark
- ICIN (Iraqi Christians in Need)
Charity Based in UK - Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI)
Ecumenical body in UK working on project-related themes including inter-religious dialogue, migration, asylum and refugees.