Page:Ms38990 Swiss recipe book.djvu/29

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F15r [Return to larger folio size. Change of hand, same hand as F10? Left margin repaired with newer looking paper strip; damage to text, approximately the first letter of each word at lhs has been cut off in the lower 2/3 of the page]


Müβ geshir sin vnd klopft das wise bis es wird dick wie nidlen luter haun dan nin das gälb vnd klopft es aus ein fiertell stund lang mit den wisen dan nim 24 [ladl] gesibtes zuker 12 [ladl] ameren mall 12 [ladl] wiβ mall vnd klopf es auch under die eier ein fiertel stund lang dan [cut off] in den dieg in die mödelli die mödelli [cut off] allen zu vor mit freshen anken an geshtrichen [cut off] ein dan den sie noch den brodt in back ofen [cut off] ein fiertell pundt ohn gefor so den ofen nit heis [cut off] genug ist so las ein wenig für darin Machen [cut off] kanst oft dar zu lugen dan sei verbrenen [cut off] gar gern sei soll es an der grosen hitz gebachet [cut off] warden wan der ding gemacht ist mus nu ein [cut off] fiertel stos rindfleish a la dobe zu kochen [cut off] mach in [cut off] bahet.

[Müß geshir sin] und beat the white until it is thick as cream, then add the yolk and beat it for quarter of an hour with the whites, then take 24 [ladles] sieved sugar, 12 [ladles] of [brown] flour, 12 [ladles] white flour, and beat this into the eggs for quarter of an hour, then [cut off] into the batter in the [mödelli] the [mödelli] [cut off]all first basted with fresh butter [cut off] in then bake the bread in the oven [cut off] a quarter pound without fire so the oven is not hot [cut off] (when) it is enough make a small fire in (the oven) [cut off] look into (the oven) often so that it doesn’t burn [cut off] it should be cooked at high heat [cut off] when the thing is baked then a [cut off] quarter to cook beef a la dobe [cut off] make it [cut off] bake.


Nim ein punt shmuräch rindfleish vershlag es fin woll dan shute es mit grosen shäb dan mach späck shnitten vnd den sei an bachen [cut off]] ein hafen vnd den das rind fleish in hafen [cut off]] vnd vnd shetzeri nägeli vnd musgat blyt [under script: saltz]

Take a [pound] of [shmuräch] beef and chop it into small pieces then pour it with large [shäb] then add chopped speck and makes these into balls [cut off] a pot and the beef in a pot [cut off] and clove [spice] and nutmeg [blyt] [under script: salt]