Page:UYLY205 2 Receipt Book 1748-1753.djvu/182

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1751 174 Borrowed Returned
p. 125
Novr 19 J.5.1 Rollins ancient Hist. Vol 6th on Decr 26 Rollins ancient Hist V. 6th
Mr Da. Youngs order by John Millar
20 E.6.19 Suetonius Eng Lat. by Clark Decr 14 Suetonius Eng & Lat.
J.8.50 Hutchisons Ethicks Eng. on Mr Decr 26 Hutchisons Ethicks Eng
Jo. Youngs order by John Millar
Decr 14 F.3.8 Lock on Hum. Understanding on Mr Jan. 25 Lock on hum. Understanding
Gregories order by John Millar
26 J.5.1 Rollins ancient Hist. Vol 7th on Mr Jan. 17 Rollins ancient hist. V. 7th
D. Youngs order by John Millar
30 A.4. Abercrombys Scots History V 1st on Jan. 17 Abercromby's Scots Hist. V. 1st
Mr Gregories order by John Millar
Jan. 17 E.5.24 Shaftsburys Charact. Vol 2d Feb. 8 Shaftsburys Charact V 2d
A.6.44 Rapins Hist. of Engd V. 1st on Mr Feb. 18 Rapins Hist. V. 1st
Jo Youngs order by John Millar
25 K.7.25 Watts on þe passions on Mr Gre- Feb. 29 Watts on þe passions
gorie's order by John Millar
Feb. 11 J.3.12 Clarks Hom. Iliad V. 2d on Mr Feb. 29 Clark's Hom. Iliad V. 2d
Gregories order by John Millar
18 A.6.44 Rapins Hist. of Engld V. 2d onr Feb 29 Rapins Hist. of Engd V. 2d
Jo. Youngs order by John Millar
29 A.6.44 Rapins Hist. of Engd V. 3d on þe Mar 28 Rapin's Hist. of Engd V. 3d
above order by John Millar
Mar 10 J.4.7 Ray on þe Wisdom of God on Mr Mar 21 Ray on þe Wisdom of God
Jo Youngs order by John Millar
20 J.2.15 puffendorfs Law of Nat. and Nations on Apr 28 puffendorfs Law of Nat & Ns
Mr Jo. Youngs order by John Millar
28 A.6.44 Rapins History of Engd V. 13th on Apr 20 Rapins Hist. of Engd V. 13th
Mr Jo Youngs order by John Millar
Apr 20 A.6.20 Rapins Hist. of Engd V 14th & 13th on May 16 Rapin's Hist. of Engd V. 14 & 15
þe above order by John Millar
28 J.2.15 Puffendorfs Law of Nat. and Nations May 28 Puffendorfs Law of N. & Nations
K.3.15 Herveys Meditations 2vs on Mr May 28 Herveys Meditations 2vs
Jo. Youngs order by John Millar
May 16 J.2 Middletons Life of Cicero V. 1st on Mr May 28 Meditations Life of Cicero V. 1st
Jo. Youngs order by John Millar
Novr 3 J.5.21 Derhams Physicotheology on Mr Decr 5 Derhams physicotheology
Gregories order by John Millar
4 J.4.16 Campbells Enquiry Decr 20 Campbells Enquiry
C.6.29 Prideauxs Connexion V. 1st on Mr Decr 5 Prideaux's Connexion V. 1st
Rymers order by John Millar