Visualising Peace Outputs

  1. The Visualising Peace Library: this online bibliographic resource brings together key examples of scholarship from a wide range of disciplines – Classics, Comparative Literature, English, Film Studies, History, International Relations, Psychology, Social Anthropology and Sustainable Development – to help scholars and practitioners in different fields of work to compare different approaches to peace and peace building.
  2. Virtual Museum of Peace: ‘Peace’ is a seemingly simple concept. But how would you define it? In this museum we have brought together lots of different ways of visualising peace. Our aim is not to promote any one particular vision. Instead, we want to spark more conversation about what peace ‘looks like’ to each of us, how it gets imagined and represented, where different kinds of peace can be found, how it can be promoted, and what peace-making and peace-keeping actually involve. We think that talking about different manifestations of peace is an important step in empowering everyone to play a part in fostering it, no matter who they are or where they come from. Our Museum of Peace was recently featured in this video for New America’s Future Security Forum 2022.
  3. In this short video, student Mathias Katsuya summarises a portion of the literature review conducted by students on the Visualising Peace project. He concentrates on the field of International Relations and the dominance of the ‘liberal peace’ narrative within it. Beyond explaining the theoretical underpinnings of ‘liberal peace’, the presentation highlights the consequences of assuming the universality of particular visualisations of peace on both academia and real-world peacebuilding efforts. Finally, this presentation outlines alternative conceptualizations of peace and illustrates instances of success through contemporary case studies ranging from post-Good Friday Agreement Northern Ireland to present-day Somaliland.
  4. In this presentation, student Claire Percival reflects on what she has learnt about different habits of studying peace by comparing approaches in Modern History and Social Anthropology. She underlines the importance of de-centring heavily theory-based, ‘standard’ Western narratives of peace, as simply the opposite of conflict. She also problematises tendencies in some anthropological scholarship that promote indigenous people and belief systems as ‘models’ of peace/peaceful practices which Western initiatives can simply adopt/utilise. Claire’s analysis underlines what these different disciplines can learn from each other, and what they can offer together in deepening our understanding of peace and the various ideologies that different communities attach to it.
  5. In this blog, Peace from Pieces, student Harris Siderfin explains the symbolism in the logo which he has designed for the Visualising War project. ‘Overall, this graphic visualises peace through imagery of hope, nature, beauty and growth. But it also evokes the fragility of peace, through references to the violence that often precedes it and to threats that persist when peace starts to flourish.’
  6. In this podcast episode, students Harris Siderfin and Otilia Meden interview three experts on peace in space. They reflect on the development and implementation of the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, and the spirit of international collaboration that underpins it. They also look at increasing activity in space by private corporations as well as nation-states, at the increasing militarisation of space, at the potential for growing conflict in space, and at the consequences of that for ordinary lives. They are their guests challenge listeners to visualise both peace and conflict in space and what both mean to each of us as individuals.