Publications & Outreach

The Visualising War project’s first major publication is an edited volume of specially commissioned chapters, entitled Visualising War: Interplay between Battle Narratives across Antiquity. Dr Alice König is overseeing a second collaborative publication, looking at the impact that different media have had (and continue to have) on habits of visualising war and peace. Whereas the first Visualising War volume involves academics from a range of Humanities disciplines, this second publication involves a combination of academic contributors and professional storytellers with expertise in art, music, theatre, film, journalism, museum curation, video gaming and photography (among other creative industries). 

Details of each individual researcher’s publications can be found via their staff research profiles.

The Visualising War research group is developing a growing portfolio of outreach and public engagement activities. We are particularly keen to hear from theatre, film and documentary makers, artists and illustrators, online war game designers, museum curators, journalists, peace activists and military professionals who may be interested in collaborating with the project.

The Visualising War podcast was launched in April 2021. Our archive of episodes can be found here. We also publish regular blogs.

We have recently secured funding to work with artist Diana Forster on the development of two physical exhibitions (plus a virtual version) looking at how we visualise the rupture of forced displacement. A series of public talks and schools workshops will take place in 2022 and 2023 in connection with this, involving (among others) the NGO Never Such Innocence.