Page:UYLY206 4 Receipt Book 1791-1800.djvu/55

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Professor Cook Bo[rrowe]d Returned 75
Augt. 20th G.8.13. Humes hist. of Engl. v.3.4.5 Hume Vol 3rd.4.5th
D1.4. Hawes Evangelical Expositor 2nd Mr Crawford Hawes Evangelical Expositor 2 Vols
BB5.38 Lowths Lectures on Heb. Poetry 2 vols Lowths lectures 2 Vols
BB5.4 Niebuhrs Travels 2 Vols -- Niebuhrs Travels 2 Vols
CC3.12 Boswells Johnson Vol 1st 2nd (scored through) Boswells Johnson 1st 2nd
N5.2 Humes Histy 3rd --- (scored through) Humes Histy 3rd --
Sternes Works Vol 6th Sternes Works Vol.6
Q2.15 Plautus Lambini Vol 2nd Plautus Lambini 2nd Vol
Mr Cant
J4.1 Buschings Geography 6 Vols Bushcings G -- 12.3.4. C.g.4.
BB3. Buffon Nat. His of Birds 7.8th Buff. Nat. Hist. of Birds 7th. 8th.
Memoirs of Wm. Ramble 3 Vols Memoirs of Wm Ramble 3 V
C3.14 Cudworth Intellectual Syst. 2 Vols Cudworths In. Syst. 2 Vols --
Mr Small
BB7.1 Pelew Island Pelew Island --
New Sent. Journey --- New Sent. Journey --
BB5.1 Buffons Hat. Histy. 5th (scored through) Buffon Vol 5th
CC3.32 Diroms Narrative -- Dirom Narrative
The German Gil Blas 4 Vols Germ Gil Blas 4 Vols
D2.16 Newcomes Minor Prophets } Newcomes Minor Prophets
R.1.1 Poli Synopsis -- Vol 3rd} G. Cant. Poli Synopsis ---- 3rd Vol
P7.5 Humes History Vol 5 Humes Hist. Vol 5th --
L.C.6. Sermons de Massillon v.10.11 Grandier
R8.26 Sullys Memoirs 1st. --- Sullys Memoirs
C7.7 Beatties Evidences 2 Vols Beaties Evid. 2 Vol
CC10 - Statis. Acct of Scotl. Vol 3 ---- Statis Acct. Vol 11
K5.9 Cambray Oeuvres Opi. v.12} M.L. Grand. Cambray Oeuvres Mis. v.1 & 2
O9.4 Bourdaloue Sermons v.1.67} D[itt]o Bourdaloue sermons v.I.
Anna St Ives 6 Vols ---- ---- Anna St Ives.
Julia De Gramont 2 vol.} Wm Hill Julia De Gramont 2 vols.
Mrs Williams 2 Vols} --- Mrs Williams 2 Vols --
Bells Theatre Vol 9th } ---- Bells Theatre Vol 9th
CC.32 Edwards Histy of W. Indies Edwards Hist. West Indies 2 Vols
The Spectre -- 2 Vols The Spectre 2 Vols
Aspasia 2 Vols ---- Aspasia 2. Vol
R7.2. Amelia 4 vols Miss Patroz Amelia 1.2.3rd 4th ----
CC10 Statist. Acct of Scot. Vol XII Statis Acct Vol XII
E9.14 Turners Geography --- Turners Geog.
CC8.13 Statistical Account 1st. 3rd. Statis Acct Vol 1st & 3rd