Page:UYLY206 1 Receipt Book 1773-1782.djvu/86

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Mr Cleghorn Bo[rrowed] 85
May 29 K5.38 Stewarts proposi. Geomet. Stewarts pro. Geo. ----
June 5 G7.9 Stuarts letters etc. Stuart's letters etc. ---
A1.9 Sansons atlas 1.2nd Vol " Sanson's atlas 1.2nd Vol
19 G7.15 Smiths on the Wealth of Nations 1.2nd V Smiths wealth of nations 1.2
25 M8.45 Justamonds philosophical hist. 2.3.4th V. Justamond 2.34th Vol
July 3 P5.7 Plays one Vol Plays. one Vol
10 Not Ent. Taylor and Skinners Maps of Scot.
D7.35 Store house of Similies " Store house of Similes
22 M8.7 Millot hist Generale 1.2.3rd 4th Vol Millot hist. V.
31 J7.9 Recherch. Sur les Americains 1.2.3rd re. 1st 2nd 3rd
Augt 5 O5.25 Italian Dictionary 2 Vol J.J. ---- " Italian Dictr. 2 Vol
" G2.21 Hawkesworths Voyages 1.2.3rd Vol " Hawkes. Voyages 1.2.3 V.
15 J8.22 Lexiphanes ----- ----- Lexiphanes by D & P
" Not Ent Pamphlets one Vol
" G2.12 Greives hist. Kamtschafka Grieves hist. Kamtschafka
19 N5.43 Ben Johnsons Works Vol 1st " Ben Johnson Vol 1st
P9.29 Smiths Thucydides Vol 1st. ----- Smiths Thucydides vol 1st
20 G3. -- Anecdotes of a Convent 3 Vol ----- Anecdotes of a Convent 1.2.3rd
" J4. -- Hist. philosophick Vol 2nd. Capt. McGill Hist Phil. Vol 2nd ---
27 G4.10 Some thing New 1.2nd Vol " Something New 1.2nd V
" G3.28 Ladys Travels 1.2nd Vol " Ladys Travels 1.2nd
" G3.33 Letters to Eleonora 1.2nd Vol " Letters to Eleonora 1.2nd
Sept 11 P3.13 McAullays hist. Vol " McAullays hist. V
21 M7.23 Lady W. Montague 1.2.3rd V. " Lady W. mont. 1.2nd 3rd
" B8.18 Roderick Random 1.2nd Vol " Rod. Random 1.2nd V
9 B5.16 Watts Logick " Watt's Logick
" L6.15 Guardian 1.2nd Vol " Guardian 1.2nd Vol
11 P7.2 Plutarchs lives Vols " Plut. lives V
Nov. 16 M2.3 Religious Ceremonies 6 Vols ----- Religious Ceremonies 6v.
" Not Ent. D Anvilles Ancient Maps " D Anvilles An. Maps
18 P3.29 Cellarii Geographia 1.2nd V. ----- Cellarii Geograph. 1.2nd
30 G2. - Carstairs State papers Carstair's State papers
Felicite Publique Felicite Publique
Not Ent. Life of P. Clement 14 Life of P. Clement 14