Page:UYLY206 1 Receipt Book 1773-1782.djvu/141

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142 Mr Hill (110)
P.1.16 Lysias --- Geo. Hill " Lysias
N.6.1 (Dows Hist. I. II. R.H.scored through)
Encyclopedie --- IX Geo. Hill Encyclopedie -- IX
R7. . Swifts Works Vol 4th " Swift Vol 4th
R8.6 Man of the World 1.2. V " Man of the world 2 V
Geo. Hill
Apr 21 Blairs Ser. Vol 2nd ---- Blairs Sermons Vol 2nd
A2.3 Buchanans opera V 2nd Buchanan V 2nd
A4.3 Theatre De Corneille V 1st " Theatre de Cor. V 1st
22 L6.13 Brumoys Greek Theatre V 4th " Brumoy Gre Vol 4th
" A4 Heaths Notes on Sophocles " Heath ----
" A4.8 Robertsons hist. Vol 2nd Mr Duff Robertson V 2nd
Alexr McDuff for Mr Hill
M.8.13 Poetique de Marmontel. 2 Vols. " Poetique Mar. 2 V
Q.5.5 Senecca Trag. Geo. Hill " Seneca ----
K.5.14 Lowths Isaiah ---- " Louth's ----
O.3.9 Henrys Hist. II. Geo. Hill Henry's Hist.
Q.2.18 Flavel works --- (Illegible scored through)
K.1.6 Stephani Thesaurus. 4 Vols.
(N.9.8 scored through) (Life of God scored through)
L.9.37 Letters to Eleonora 2 Vols. Letters to Eleonora 1.2nd
H.3.4 Strabonis Geographica 2 Vols
K.4.9 Pappi Coll. Math. --
A.1.3 Plutarchi Tom 2nd
M.3.1 Hist. d Acad. Roy. 1740, 1741 -- 2 Vols
P3.16 Douglas peerage " Duglas' Peerage
B4.16 Salmons Grammar " Salmon's Grammar
" G7.15 Sketches from Nature. 1 2nd V " Sketches from Na. 1.2nd
A4.5 Montesquie oeuvers Tom 3rd " Montesque oeuvers Tom 3rd
A4.4 Voltairs Works Vol 1st 21.22nd " Voltaire 1st. 21st. 22nd
N.4.26 Groves Works 5 & 6 Hay R --- " Grove 5th 6th
June F. . Manners of France 1.2nd V. Man. of France 1.2
O5.7 Conquest Des provin 1.2nd V Conquest des Portu. 1.2nd V
L5.13 Ouvers De Voltair 8.9 & 10 V Voltair V.
July 5 ----- Blairs Ser. Vol 2 Geo. Hill " Blair's Ser. Vol 2nd