Page:UYLY205 2 Receipt Book 1748-1753.djvu/102

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1749 (94) Borrowed 1749 Returned
Decr 29 J.5.2 Rollins belles Lettres Vol. 1st on Febr 2 Rollins belles Lettres V. 1st
Mr D. Young's order by
1750 Rob. Dalgleish
Jan. 8 K.3.19 Youngs Night thoughts on Mr Jan. 30 Youngs Night Thoughts
Rymers order by Rob. Dalgleish
20 K.7.15 Watts on þe Passions on Mr Gre- Feb. 23 Watts on þe passions
gorie's order by Rob. Dalgleish
30 J.5.22 Derhams Astrotheology on Mr Feb. 15 Derhams astrotheology
Rymers order by Rob. Dalgleish
Feb. 2 A.6.42 procedure etc. of hum. understanding on Apr. 7 procedure &c. of hum. Underst.
Mr D. Youngs order by Rob. Dalgleish
15 K.4.14 Universal History Vol 4th on Mr Mar 3 Universal Hist. Vol. 4th
Rymer's order by Rob. Dalgleish
23 J.5.2 Rollins belles Lettres Vol. 4th on Apr 30 Rollins belles Lettres V 4th
Mr D. Youngs order by Rob Dalgliesh
Mar 20 E.6.43 Bradleys planting and Gardening on Mr Apr 25 Bradleys planting & Gardening
Gregories order by Rob Dalgleish
Novr 15 K.2.10 Lovates Trial on prinll Murisons Decr 3 Lovate's Trial
order by Rob. Dalgleish
16 A.5.11 Woolastons Religion of Nature on Decr 21 Woolaston's Reln. of Nature
Dr Hadow's order by Rob. Dalgleish
20 E.6.52 Cicero de Natura Deorum Davisii on Dr Decr 20 Cicero de Natura Deorum.
1750 Hadows order by Rob. Dalgleish (p. 139)
Jan. 3 J.5.1 Rollins ancient Hist. Vol. 1st on Jan. 17 Rollins ancient Hist. Vol. 1st
Mr Gregories ordere by William Duncan
17 B.3.7 Biblia Graeca Septuagint Mar 26 Biblia Graeca Septuagint.
J.5.1 Rollins ancient Hist. Vol. 2d feb. 28 Rollins ancient hist. V. 2d
K.4.8 Rollins Rom. Hist. Vol. 3d on Mr feb. 18 Rollins Rom hist. V. 3d
Wilsons order by William Duncan
ffeb. 28 J.5.1 Rollins ancient History Vol 5th Apr. 10 Rollins ancient Hist. V. 5th
K.4.8 Rollins Rom. Hist. Vol. 4th on Apr. 10 Rollins Rom. Hist. Vol 4th.
Mr Rymers order by William Duncan
April 11 K.4.8 Rollins Rom. Hist. Vol 5th May 30 Rollins Rom. Hist. V. 5th
J.5.1 Rollins ancient Hist. Vol 8th May 30 Rollins ancient hist. V. 8th
J.5.2 Rollins belles Lettres Vol 1st on Mr May 30 Rollins belles Lettres V. 1st
Rymers order by William Duncan
Octr 23 J.5.1 Rollins ancient Hist. Vol 3d Novr 13 Rollins ancient hist. V. 3d
J.4.2 Life of Homer on Mr Gregories Nov. 13. Life of Homer
order by William Duncan
Nov. 13 J.2.3 Burnets Hist. of the Reformation V. 1st Decr 12 Burnets Hist. of Refn V. 1st
J.4.3 Gibbs Short-writing Decr 12 Gibb's Short writing
A.3. Popes Hom. Odyssee V. 1st on Mr Decr 12 Popes Hom. Odyssee V. 1st
Jo Youngs order by William Duncan
p. 143