There are many people to thank for support in the construction and presentation of this website:
Birgit Plietzsch has overseen the project on behalf of IT Services, facilitated the secondment of personnel and has very generously supported the work in other ways.
Swithun Crowe created the database programme and provided further unfailing backup.
Mary Woodcock-Kroble has played a leading part in site design and continues to offer valuable practical advice. The overall look of the project owes much to her design flair.
Matt Wakeling posted two thirds of the database images as part of his IT placement and was most meticulous in his work.
Mike Bishop posted the first third of the database images and has provided invaluable advice and support throughout the project, not least with design and copyright issues.
Stephen Halliwell, as Head of the School of Classics, has generously made available considerable financial support, and this has allowed the first phase of the TCOP to be realized.
Jason König, as co-ordinator of Impact for the School of Classics, has been constant in his advice and encouragement.
Hazel Dodge, Trinity College Dublin, has likewise offered critical and enthusiastic advice.
None of this work would have been possible without the help over many years of colleagues and friends in Rome, notably Adriano La Regina, Giangiacomo Martines, Cinzia Conti and Amanda Claridge, and of colleagues and students in St Andrews. Financial support from the British School at Rome and the AHRC for the original research was crucial.