The Science and Empire Reading Group

The Science and Empire Reading Group meets every fortnight during semester, and brings together Classicists, Historians, Philosophers and Scientists. The participants rotate in making small, informal presentations on select ancient scientific, technical and encyclopedic texts. The emphasis is on close reading and group discussion.

Session 2007-2008

Winter Semester 2007

The group read from Plato’s Timaeus

Text: Plato, Timaeus (Translations: Plato, Vol. IX (Timaeus Critias Cleitophon Menexenus Epistles), transl. R. G. Bury. Loeb Classical Library, 1929: repr.1999; or Plato, Timaeus, transl. D. Zeyl, Hackett 2000)
Time: Wednesdays (weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12), 5-6:30 pm
Location: School of Classics, Swallowgate, Room S11.

Winter Semester 2007: Full Details (pdf)

Spring semester 2008

The group read from Seneca's Natural Questions and Pliny's Natural History.


Time: Tuesdays, 1-2 pm
Location: School of Classics, Swallowgate, Room S11.

Spring Semester 2007: Full Details (pdf)


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