Pronunciamiento participants

Participants with biographies

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B (10)

C (24)

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Participants without biographies

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A (527)

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C (737)

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F (242)

G (561)

H (203)

I (62)

J (93)

K (3)

L (382)

M (706)

N (91)

O (210)

P (448)

Q (45)

R (631)

S (462)

T (227)

U (51)

V (356)

W (9)

X (8)

Y (15)

Z (117)

Mariano Paredes y Arrillaga

Lifespan: (1797 – 1849)
Profession: Regular army officer
Place of birth: Ciudad de México


Born in Mexico City, he joined the Royalist army as a cadet in 1812. He supported the Plan of Iguala in 1821, although he rebelled against Iturbide in 1823. Thereafter he served as commander general of San Luis Potosi, Sonora, and Jalisco at different points in time. He was minister of war briefly (4-12 December 1838). He came to prominence as a result of the Triangular Revolt against President Anastasio Bustamante in 1841. He subsequently pronounced against Santa Anna in 1844 and against Jose Joaquin de Herrera in 1845. As a result of this last pronunciamiento he rose to the presidency leading the dictatorship of 1845-46. He was in power when the Mexican-American War 1846-48 broke out. He was notorious for his aggressive behaviour and drinking habits, as well as his marked reactionary views. He died in 1849, a year after staging a monarchist pronunciamiento in the Sierra Gorda in 1848.


Leader of
Manifiesto y plan del general Paredes (8 August 1841; Guadalajara, Jalisco)

Signatory of
Acta celebrada por la guarnición de la capital del estado de Jalisco (24 December 1829; Guadalajara, Jalisco)