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Acta del pronunciamiento del Estado de Oaxaca

23 May 1834

Region: Oaxaca
Place: Oaxaca

Pronunciamiento text

Acta del pronunciamiento del Estado de Oaxaca, 23 de mayo de 1834

¡Viva la federación, la religión y el General Santa Anna!

En la capital del Estado libre de Oaxaca, a veintitrés de mayo de mil ochocientos treinta y cuatro, reunidos en el convento de Santo Domingo los jefes y oficiales de la guarnición y multitud de ciudadanos voluntarios de la patria, y tomando en consideración los graves males que agobian a la nación mexicana y el peligro en que se halla de perder su religión y paz para siempre, hubieron de convenir unánimemente:

1.En adoptar el plan, que para el sostenimiento de la religión católica, apostólica, romana y de nuestra constitución, se proclamó en Puebla el día 11 del presente mes.

2.En proclamar al heroico General Santa Anna por sostenedor de nuestra religión y libertades patrias.

3.En desconocer, como que contraría la voz pública, a toda corporación, jefe o autoridad que se oponga al presente pronunciamiento.

4.En reconocer y obedecer como jefe de los pronunciados en esta capital al teniente coronel D. Andrés Laflor.

5.En invitar al Sr. General de Brigada D. Antonio de León, para que haga igual pronunciamiento, y en caso que así sea, reconocerlo por jefe superior de todos los pronunciados en el Estado.

6.En respetar y proteger las autoridades legitimamente constituídas que adopten este plan.

7.En no atentar de modo alguno contra la propiedad, seguridad personal y opiniones políticas de los mexicanos.

8.En oficiar atenta y sumisamente al Excmo. Sr. Presidente de la república, poniéndonos a sus respetables órdenes, para que como nos ha librado tantas veces del despotismo, nos libre de la irreligiosidad.

9.Que esta acta se circule a los gobernadores de los Estados y legislaturas.

Fuerte de Santo Domingo. Dios, federación y Santa Anna.

Oaxaca, mayo 23 de 1834. – Andrés Laflor. – Manuel Lazo, Teniente coronel. – José María Hernández, primer ayudante. – Comandante general, teniente coronel de caballería, Ignacio Ortiz. – Como mayor de plaza, capitán ciudadano José Mariano de Toro. – Capitán de artillería permanente, Pedro Ortiz. – Capitán permanente, Manuel Silva. – Teniente permanente, Lorenzo Zamora. – Idem, Juan Varela. – Idem, Ángel Vergara. – Idem, José María Castellanos, del batallón activo de Oaxaca. – Subteniente Pedro Diez Bonilla. – Idem, José Ignacio Labastida. – Idem, Juan Saturnino Callejas. – Idem, Rafael Herrera y Sovato. – Idem, Miguel Acevedo. – Teniente, Trinidad Franco.

Es copia del original. Fuerte de Santo Domingo. Oaxaca, mayo 23 de 1834.- Andrés de Laflor. – Como secretario, Juan Nepomuceno de Toro.


The radical congress of 1833-34 displayed from its inception a marked anticlerical agenda. Between 12 June and 6 November 1833 it proposed and passed a whole array of highly controversial laws. The following deserve a mention: 12 June: The staff of Mexico City town council (which was still composed of politicians who had been named by Bustamante) were replaced with their 1829 predecessors; 23 June: The Ley del Caso expelled from the republic fifty-one politicians whose views were considered to be unpatriotic (including General Bustamante); 17 August: The missions in California were secularised; 31 August: Church property belonging to the missionaries from the Philippines was expropriated; 14 October: The ecclesiastical Colegio de Santa María de Todos los Santos was shut down; 18 October: The properties of the Philippine and San Camilo missionaries were placed on auction to the general public; 19 October: The Catholic and church-dominated University of Mexico was shut down; 21 October: The closed university was replaced by a (secular) Dirección General de Instrucción Pública; 24 October: The closed Colegio de Santa María de todos los Santos was to become a national library; 24 October: The Dirección General de Instrucción Pública was to be financed through the expropriation of the following church properties: the Monastery and Church of San Camilo, the Hospital and Church of Jesús, the Hospital de Belén, the Asylum of the Poor of Santo Tomás, the Old Inquisition building, and the Monastery and Church of the Espíritu Santo; 27 October: The civil obligation to pay diezmos (tithes to the Church) was abolished; 3 November: the 16 May 1831 Law that granted the church the right to nominate its priests, bishops, and archbishops was abolished; 6 November: The civil obligation to take ecclesiastical vows was abolished. The 1833 Escalada-Durán-Arista pronunciamiento cycle had already shown that there were high-ranking officers who were virulently opposed to Congress’ measures and believed in defending church and military privileges. Nicolás Bravo’s Plan of Conciliation or Chichihualco of 2 December 1833 had actually called for the summoning of a new congress. As can be seen in this and the 200+ pronunciamientos that were launched in 1834, Congress’ anticlericalism proved intensely unpopular, provoking the largest number of recorded pronunciamientos in the nineteenth century. The fact that in the first months of 1834 Congress directed its attention to reforming the regular army inevitably inspired most army officers to join the pronunciamiento cycle that was unleashed following the Plan of Cuernavaca of 25 May 1834.

This pronunciamiento albeit launched ahead of the Plan of Cuernavaca clearly captured the growing mood of discontent the 1833-34 Congress provoked with its rampant reformism. Declaring its allegiance to the pronunciamiento of Puebla of 11 May 1834 it made a point of offering Santa Anna its undivided support. One may read between the lines that these pronunciados were hoping Santa Anna would overturn Congress’ anticlerical measures. It also used the context of upheaval to promote the cause of Lieutentant Colonel Andrés Laflor and Brigadier General Antonio León at a regional level.



José María Bocanegra, Memorias para la historia de México independiente. 1822-1846. Vol. 2 (Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1987), pp. 571-572.

Transcribed and revised by Will Fowler

Participants (20):

Signatory role:
Miguel Acevedo
Juan Saturnino Callejas
José María Castellanos
Pedro Diez Bonilla
Trinidad Franco
José María González (Oaxaca)
José María Hernández (Oaxaca)
Rafael Herrera y Sovato
José Ignacio Labastida
Manuel Lazo
Ignacio Ortiz
Pedro Ortiz
Manuel Silva
José Mariano de Toro
Joaquín Varela
Juan Varela
Ángel Vergara
Lorenzo Zamora
Secretary role:
Juan Nepomuceno de Toro
Author and signatory role:
Andrés Laflor

Related pronunciamientos

Parent pronunciamientos
Protesta que hace la guarnición de Puebla (reactive-cum-proactive, supporting)
11 May 1834 ; Puebla, Puebla
Child pronunciamientos
Pronunciamiento de la guarnición del estado de Oaxaca (reactive-cum-proactive, supporting)
19 June 1834 ; Oaxaca, Oaxaca

Pronunciamiento grievances

National (federalist, pro-clerical, in favour of Santa Anna, against Congressional anticlerical reforms)

Local (in favour of Lieutentant Colonel Andrés Laflor and Brigadier General Antonio León)

Political (federalist, pro-clerical)



Military (regular army)


Personal (in favour of Santa Anna, Laflor and León)

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