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T (3)

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Z (2)


Participants without biographies

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I (62)

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Q (45)

R (631)

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U (51)

V (356)

W (9)

X (8)

Y (15)

Z (117)

Acta del ayuntamiento de San Agustín Tlaxco

18 May 1834

Region: Tlaxcala
Place: San Agustín Tlaxco

Pronunciamiento text

Acta del ayuntamiento de San Agustín Tlaxco, 18 de mayo de 1834

En el pueblo de San Agustín Tlaxco a los dieciocho días del mes de mayo, y año de mil ochocientos treinta y cuatro, reunidos, en esta sala consistorial a solicitud del señor general don Francisco Berdejo, y citados con anticipación los ciudadanos que componen este ilustre ayuntamiento en unión de los señores oficiales, sargentos, cabos y soldados, presididos por la primera autoridad civil tomó la voz el indicado señor general exponiendo varias razones para justificar, que nuestro código constitucional se ve atacado por las leyes, emanadas de las cámaras de la unión y legislaturas de los estados; como así mismo la religión madre que debe conservarse ilesa, por ser la única que se ha adoptado sin mezcla ni tolerancia de otra alguna. Que esto lo reclaman imperiosamente los votos que los comitentes delegan en sus autoridades; y así es que esta ilustre asamblea está en el caso por sí y sus representados, a defender estos derechos tan sagrados.

Lo que oído por los circunstantes dijeron de más común que protestan ante Dios y los hombres sostener en la parte que les toque la religión católica apostólica romana pura y la Constitución, para que se conserve el pacto social.

El ayuntamiento

Antonio Saldaña; Francisco Ribera; Mariano Pavon; Jose Ignacio Espino; Manuel Duran de Huerta; Aparicio Garcia; Luis Manilla; Pascual Moredia; Luciano Mendez; Francisco Gonzalez; Mariano Gonzalez; Ignacio Muñoz; por la clase de generales Francisco Berdejo; por la clase de capitanes Francisco Arroyo; por la de tenientes Mariano Cruz; por la de subtenientes Juan Franciso Jimenez de Bonilla; por la de sargentos José Vicente Huesca; por la de cabos Antonio Moreno; por la de soldados Juan Trugillo.

Concuerda con su original que queda en la secretaría de este I. ayuntamiento en el atestado que corresponde a que me refiero. Tlaxco, mayo veinte y uno de mil ochocientos treinta y cuatro.

Antonio Saldaña


The radical congress of 1833-34 displayed from its inception a marked anticlerical agenda. Between 12 June and 6 November 1833 it proposed and passed a whole array of highly controversial laws. The following deserve a mention: 12 June: The staff of Mexico City town council (which was still composed of politicians who had been named by Bustamante) were replaced with their 1829 predecessors; 23 June: The Ley del Caso expelled from the republic fifty-one politicians whose views were considered to be unpatriotic (including General Bustamante); 17 August: The missions in California were secularised; 31 August: Church property belonging to the missionaries from the Philippines was expropriated; 14 October: The ecclesiastical Colegio de Santa María de Todos los Santos was shut down; 18 October: The properties of the Philippine and San Camilo missionaries were placed on auction to the general public; 19 October: The Catholic and church-dominated University of Mexico was shut down; 21 October: The closed university was replaced by a (secular) Dirección General de Instrucción Pública; 24 October: The closed Colegio de Santa María de todos los Santos was to become a national library; 24 October: The Dirección General de Instrucción Pública was to be financed through the expropriation of the following church properties: the Monastery and Church of San Camilo, the Hospital and Church of Jesús, the Hospital de Belén, the Asylum of the Poor of Santo Tomás, the Old Inquisition building, and the Monastery and Church of the Espíritu Santo; 27 October: The civil obligation to pay diezmos (tithes to the Church) was abolished; 3 November: the 16 May 1831 Law that granted the church the right to nominate its priests, bishops, and archbishops was abolished; 6 November: The civil obligation to take ecclesiastical vows was abolished. The 1833 Escalada-Durán-Arista pronunciamiento cycle had already shown that there were high-ranking officers who were virulently opposed to Congress’ measures and believed in defending church and military privileges. Nicolás Bravo’s Plan of Conciliation or Chichihualco of 2 December 1833 had actually called for the summoning of a new congress. As can be seen in this and the 200+ pronunciamientos that were launched in 1834, Congress’ anticlericalism proved intensely unpopular, provoking the largest number of recorded pronunciamientos in the nineteenth century. The fact that in the first months of 1834 Congress directed its attention to reforming the regular army inevitably inspired most army officers to join the pronunciamiento cycle that was unleashed following the Plan of Cuernavaca of 25 May 1834.

This pronunciamiento albeit launched ahead of the Plan of Cuernavaca clearly captured the growing mood of discontent the 1833-34 Congress provoked with its rampant anticlericalism.



AGN: Gobernacion, 1834, s/s , caja 206, 19.

Also in Josefina Zoraida Vázquez (ed.),/Planes en la nación mexicana. Libro dos. 1831-1834/(Mexico City: SRE/El Colegio de México, 1987), p. 213.

Transcribed by Natasha Picôt and Revised by Will Fowler.

Original document double-checked by Germán Martínez Martínez on 09/02/2009. Colección Josefina Z. Vázquez/Planes y Documentos, 1832, Archivo Histórico del Colegio de México, Caja 6.

Participants (17):

Signatory role:
José Francisco Arroyo
Juan Franciso Jimenez de Bonilla
Mariano Cruz
Manuel Durán de Huerta.
José Ignacio Espino
Francisco González (Tlaxcala)
Mariano González (Tlaxcala)
José Vicente Huesca
Luis Manilla
Luciano Méndez (Tlaxcala)
Pascual Moredia
Antonio Moreno (Tlaxcala)
Ignacio Muñoz
Mariano Pavón
Francisco Ribera
Antonio Saldaña
Juan Trugillo

Related pronunciamientos

Child pronunciamientos
Acta del ayuntamiento de San Agustín Tlaxco (reactive, supporting)
11 June 1834 ; San Agustín Tlaxco, Puebla

Pronunciamiento grievances

National (pro-clerical, pro-constitution)

Political (pro-clerical, pro-constitution)


Military (regular army)


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