Pronunciamiento participants

Participants with biographies

A (27)

B (10)

C (24)

D (8)

E (4)

F (6)

G (15)

H (6)

I (3)

J (4)

L (6)

M (18)

N (3)

O (9)

P (6)

Q (2)

R (7)

S (4)

T (3)

U (4)

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Participants without biographies

Unknown (2)

A (527)

B (323)

C (737)

D (173)

E (197)

F (242)

G (561)

H (203)

I (62)

J (93)

K (3)

L (382)

M (706)

N (91)

O (210)

P (448)

Q (45)

R (631)

S (462)

T (227)

U (51)

V (356)

W (9)

X (8)

Y (15)

Z (117)

Manuel Foucher

Lifespan: (1835 – 1882)


Manuel Foucher (1835-1882) was born in San Juan Bautista, Tabasco. He was the governor of Tabasco. When he was very young he published some poetry in the magazine El Grijalva, some of his poems figured in Yucatecan and Tabascan anthologies. He gave up writing to devote himself actively to politics in Tabasco where he initially took up the role of vice-governor. Foucher died in San Juan Bautista today Villahermosa, whilst still politically active.


Signatory of
Acta de San Juan Bautista (26 December 1857; San Juan Bautista, Tabasco)
El Estado de Tabasco ratifica su adhesión al plan de Tacubaya (6 February 1858; San Juan Bautista, Tabasco)