Pronunciamiento participants

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Fernando Franco

Lifespan: (1790 – 1853)
Profession: Regular army officer


Fernando Franco (1790-1853) was a soldier born in Tepeapulco (Hidalgo). He signed up to the corps of the Antiguos Patriotas. He joined the Army of the Three Guarantees in April 1821. He was a Commander General of the Department of Zacatecas. In 1823 he supported the Plan of Casa Mata. By 1835 he had achieved the rank of Brigadier General. He fought against the North Americans in 1847. Franco died in the Hacienda de La Quemada, Zacatecas.


Leader and signatory of
Acta de la guarnición de Zacatecas (5 September 1841; Zacatecas, Zacatecas)
Acta del gobernador comandante de la guarnición de Zacatecas (12 December 1842; Zacatecas, Zacatecas)
Acta de la guarnición de Zacatecas (8 November 1844; Zacatecas, Zacatecas)