Pronunciamiento participants

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Participants without biographies

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Q (45)

R (631)

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U (51)

V (356)

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Y (15)

Z (117)

Francisco de Sentmanat

Lifespan: (1802 – 1844)
Profession: Regular army officer
Place of birth: Havana, Cuba


Francisco de Sentmanat was born in Havana, Cuba, but spent most of his life in Tabasco. A colonel in the regular army, he was involved in a number of revolts and pronunciamiento cycles in Tabasco, starting with the federalist/secessionist cycle of 1840. Following Santa Anna's rise to power in October 1841, Sentmanat was appointed military commander and governor of the Department of Tabasco, becoming the regional cacique for the next two years. Refusing to allow General Pedro Ampudia to cross Tabasco to quell the secessionist movement in neighbouring Yucatan, Sentmanat was attacked by Ampudia's government forces in July 1843 and forced into exile. He travelled to Havana and New Orleans, and attempted to return to Tabasco at the head of a filibustering expedition in June 1844. He was taken prisoner by Ampudia's forces and executed in Talpa, Tabasco.

Leader of
Manifiesto de Francisco de Sentmanat (25 May 1841; San Juan Bautista, Tabasco)

Signatory of
Convenio de Ixtacomitán (12 December 1841; Ixtacomitán, Chiapas)