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The AHRC-funded research project, ‘In vino veritas?: Alcohol and its spaces in Fascist Italy’ examines the place of alcohol in Italian fascist life.  In particular it explores: a) the regime’s attitudes and pronouncements on alcohol, and b) the role of alcohol as a mediating actor between individuals and the fascist state.

The project will run from September 2015 to Summer 2017 and is led by Dr Kate Ferris .

In addition to producing written academic publications, the project comprises:

  • An early career research network for scholars working on the political, social and cultural history of food in modern Europe.
  • A series of workshops, conferences and exhibitions.  News of these will be posted in due course.
  • Podcasts, intended for use by schools but available for all to download freely.  These are expected to be available in 2017.

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