Text source
Henry Guthrie was a Scottish merchant who appears in the Stockholms Sakoreslängd from 1610-11.
It appears that in December 1614 the "foreign merchant" - therefore, presumably not a burgess of Stockholm, but a passing merchant - Henry Guthrie had reported being scammed by Johan Melchersson and was now requesting that said Melchersson be summoned to face charges. Apparently, Melchersson must have been caught, charged and then imprisoned as indicated by the following reference.
On 4 March 1616 Henry Guthrie, noted as "a Scotsman", came before the Stockholm magistrates and complained that Johan Melchersson (see above), who owed him 260 daler and had been imprisoned in February, had escaped and run away. Meanwhile, a burgess of Enköping, Jöns Jönsson, had stood as guarantor for Melchersson and provided some items to cover part of the debt. Now Jöns Jönsson was also missing and Henry Guthrie was seeking access to the goods Jönsson had provided, which had been confiscated. However, as this had all happened in Enköping Guthrie was required to seek redress there, not in Stockholm.
In September 1616 Henry Guthrie called upon Hindrik Simonsson, "wägare" to stand guarantor for an unnamed Enköping burgess (presumably Jönsson) who was in debt to Guthrie. It was decided that this had to be settled in Enköping, where the case had been investigated and concluded.
This is probably the same Henry Guthrie who is noted in Södertälje in 1618 and who was charged (although not known what with) in Stockholm in 1620.
Sources: Curt Haij, 'Skottar i Stockholm under 1600-talet', unpublished list of names, Hintze biblioteket, Genealogiska Föreningen, Sundbyberg, Stockholm. Thanks to Ardis Dreisbach for this information. See also Stockholmsstads Tänke Böcker, 1616-1617 (Stockholm, 1968), p.18, 119-120.
More information on Henry Guthrie can also be found in 1614 when he became involved in an appeal case in Sweden. The details of the case were kindly provided by Dr Mia Korpiola and are given in full below:
Riksarkivet, Sweden. Svea Hovrätt, 42 Huvudarkivet, B Registratur och koncept, Över utgångna skrivelser, a Registratur 1614-1802, 1 1614: 83v: Förschrifft för Hendrick Gÿttrj, till Ed-/wert Halfwarsson, anlangende een/ b:dt Johan Melchersson, som hafuer/ bedragit honom ifrå något Godz. Af/ Stokholm den 19. _Decemb._ etc. 1614./
Wår gunst etc. Wij lathe edher Edwert Halwerssonn/ wette, dett oss är förekommit, att een Johan Melchersson b:dt/ skall förholle sigh der i Landzändan, huilken hafuer bedraget/ en Främmande Köpman Henrick Gÿtri b:dt något gogz Vthaf/ och fördenskuldh holler sigh Vndan hwar hank an, Och ändogh/ wij hafue lather her i Kongedömet på åttskillige tijder sökie/ efter honom, så hafuer man doglijkuäll icke kunnat få fatt/ på honom, Ähre wij fördenskuldz genom förb:de Köpmans träg-/ne och rättwise begäran förorsakede med dette budz att skref-/ue eder till, Och på K: M:tz alles W: N: Kon: och her-/res på och hennes M_tz Wår Nådige:e Drotningz wägne be-/gäre wij, att der för:de Johan Melchersson kan der i Landzän-/dan finnes, att i lathe antaste honom och hollan i godh förwaring//(83v) till des thenne brefwisere och Rettegångz Post, för honom hender/ emillan, och sedhan förhielpe honom att han wäll förwaret måtte/ hijt Komma: huilket wij försee oss, att i rättwisone tillbefor-/dring, owägerligen görendes werde, och i wele edher effterrätta./ _Datum vt supra etc._//
Service record
- Arrived 1609-11-30
- Departed 1616-03-04
- Capacity MERCHANT, purpose TRADE