The source of the OE text was identified by Loomis 1931, but the particular version of this source used by the OE writer is in many respects better reflected in the variants preserved in the MSS of the Cotton-Corpus legendary as reported by Zettel than in the printed editions.
Among editions of the Passio Eustachii and MSS of it examined to date, only Mombritius 1910, I, 467.25, has the reading 'iudicium' reflected in the OE 'dom' (40); all other texts examined have 'indicium'.
For referencing this record, please use the following:
H. Magennis, Anon (OE): St Eustace and his companions, Skeat 1881-1900, 1996-08-07, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register,, accessed 2024-09-15
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Among editions of the Passio Eustachii and MSS of it examined to date, only Mombritius 1910, I, 467.25, has the reading 'iudicium' reflected in the OE 'dom' (40); all other texts examined have 'indicium'.
For referencing this record, please use the following:
H. Magennis, Anon (OE): St Eustace and his companions, Skeat 1881-1900, 1996-08-07, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register,, accessed 2024-09-15
Alternatively, please use the following information:
Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 9 (s. xi med.; prov. Worcester), 236a9-10
At line 88 the OE reading 'swa heora menn nyston' agrees with CCCC 9 (part of the 'Cotton-Corpus legendary'), 236a9-10, 'inscientibus famulis suis', in contrast to Mombritius 1910, I, 468.3.
For referencing this record, please use the following:
H. Magennis, Anon (OE): St Eustace and his companions, Skeat 1881-1900, 1996-08-07, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register,, accessed 2024-09-15
Alternatively, please use the following information:
For referencing this record, please use the following:
H. Magennis, Anon (OE): St Eustace and his companions, Skeat 1881-1900, 1996-08-07, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register,, accessed 2024-09-15
Alternatively, please use the following information:
Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 354 (s. xii[2]), 25rb12-13; Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 9 (s.xi med.; prov. Worcester), 238a24
At line 185 the OE text agrees with the 'Cotton-Corpus legendary' in omitting a reference to dogs found in the other versions (see Mombritius 1910, I, 469.26).
For referencing this record, please use the following:
H. Magennis, Anon (OE): St Eustace and his companions, Skeat 1881-1900, 1996-08-07, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register,, accessed 2024-09-15
Alternatively, please use the following information:
For referencing this record, please use the following:
H. Magennis, Anon (OE): St Eustace and his companions, Skeat 1881-1900, 1996-08-07, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register,, accessed 2024-09-15
Alternatively, please use the following information:
Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 9 (s. xi med.; prov. Worcester), 239a7
In referring to Eustace at line 223, the OE follows the 'Cotton- Corpus legendary' reading (see CCCC 9, 239a7), where Mombritius 1910, I, 469.56, and other texts refer to the wife of Eustace.
For referencing this record, please use the following:
H. Magennis, Anon (OE): St Eustace and his companions, Skeat 1881-1900, 1996-08-07, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register,, accessed 2024-09-15
Alternatively, please use the following information:
Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 354 (s. xii[2]), 26rall-12
At line 237 the OE 'gehænde' follows the adverbial 'pre' found uniquely, among Latin MSS so far examined, in Bodley 354 (part of the 'Cotton-Corpus legendary'), 26rall-12.
For referencing this record, please use the following:
H. Magennis, Anon (OE): St Eustace and his companions, Skeat 1881-1900, 1996-08-07, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register,, accessed 2024-09-15
Alternatively, please use the following information:
For referencing this record, please use the following:
H. Magennis, Anon (OE): St Eustace and his companions, Skeat 1881-1900, 1996-08-07, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register,, accessed 2024-09-15
Alternatively, please use the following information:
Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 9 (s. xi med.; prov. Worcester), 242a21-22
At line 381 the OE agrees with CCCC 9 (part of the Cotton-Corpus legendary), 242a21-22, in omitting the detail contained in Mombritius 1910, I, 472.4 ('similiter ... et osculata').
For referencing this record, please use the following:
H. Magennis, Anon (OE): St Eustace and his companions, Skeat 1881-1900, 1996-08-07, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register,, accessed 2024-09-15
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The reference to the war taken over into the OE at line 394 ('of þam gefeohte') is found, among witnesses to the Latin 'passio' so far examined, only in Mombritius 1910, I, 472.13 ('de bello')
For referencing this record, please use the following:
H. Magennis, Anon (OE): St Eustace and his companions, Skeat 1881-1900, 1996-08-07, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register,, accessed 2024-09-15
Alternatively, please use the following information:
Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 9 (s. xi med.; prov. Worcester), 242b27-28
The OE reference to the lion standing 'wið þone eadigan wer eustachium' (417) corresponds to the Cotton-Corpus legendary reading 'stans prope beatum eustachium' (see CCCC 9, 242b27-28).
For referencing this record, please use the following:
H. Magennis, Anon (OE): St Eustace and his companions, Skeat 1881-1900, 1996-08-07, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register,, accessed 2024-09-15
Alternatively, please use the following information:
For referencing this record, please use the following:
H. Magennis, Anon (OE): St Eustace and his companions, Skeat 1881-1900, 1996-08-07, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register,, accessed 2024-09-15
Alternatively, please use the following information:
For referencing this record, please use the following:
H. Magennis, Anon (OE): St Eustace and his companions, Skeat 1881-1900, 1996-08-07, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register,, accessed 2024-09-15
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