location | quote | source | |||||||||||||||||
S1 | 10.1-7 | Biblia Sacra | |||||||||||||||||
1-15 | designavit … mede | Lucam | Weber 1975 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.36, Godden 1979, 1998-05-16, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2024-09-17 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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S1 | dominus et salvator … nullatenus debet | 1139A | Gregory the Great | ||||||||||||||||
16-22 | gregorius … underfon | Homiliae xl in evangelia | PL, 76, 1075-1312. | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.36, Godden 1979, 1998-05-16, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2024-09-17 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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S1 | praedicatores enim suos … praesentiam illustret | 1139B | Gregory the Great | ||||||||||||||||
26-32 | drihten sende … onliht | Homiliae xl in evangelia | PL, 76, 1075-1312. | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.36, Godden 1979, 1998-05-16, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2024-09-17 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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SA1 | 40.3 | Biblia Sacra | |||||||||||||||||
26-32 | drihten sende … onliht | Isaias | Weber 1975 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.36, Godden 1979, 1998-05-16, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2024-09-17 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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S1 | ad messem multam … veritatis fiat | 1139C | Gregory the Great | ||||||||||||||||
33-48 | drihten cwæð … tihtinge | Homiliae xl in evangelia | PL, 76, 1075-1312. | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.36, Godden 1979, 1998-05-16, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2024-09-17 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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SA1 | 3.26 | Biblia Sacra | |||||||||||||||||
33-48 | drihten cwæð … tihtinge | Hiezecihel (Ezechiel) | Weber 1975 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.36, Godden 1979, 1998-05-16, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2024-09-17 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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M1a | ex sua quippe nequitia … certissime scitur | 1139C | Gregory the Great | ||||||||||||||||
48-56 | eac hwilon … oftogen | Homiliae xl in evangelia | PL, 76, 1075-1312. | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.36, Godden 1979, 1998-05-16, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2024-09-17 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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M1a | 49.16-17 | Biblia Sacra | |||||||||||||||||
48-56 | eac hwilon … oftogen | Psalmi (unspecified) | Weber 1975 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.36, Godden 1979, 1998-05-16, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2024-09-17 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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M2a | utinam si ad … non de crudelitate | 1140BC | Gregory the Great | ||||||||||||||||
58-68 | godes lareow … bysnian | Homiliae xl in evangelia | PL, 76, 1075-1312. | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.36, Godden 1979, 1998-05-16, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2024-09-17 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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M2a | 29.19 | Biblia Sacra | |||||||||||||||||
58-68 | godes lareow … bysnian | Proverbia | Weber 1975 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.36, Godden 1979, 1998-05-16, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2024-09-17 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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M3a | 18.2 | Biblia Sacra | |||||||||||||||||
58-68 | godes lareow … bysnian | Proverbia | Weber 1975 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.36, Godden 1979, 1998-05-16, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2024-09-17 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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S1 | praedicatori etenim tanta … assurgat | 1141A | Gregory the Great | ||||||||||||||||
70-77 | swa micelne … don | Homiliae xl in evangelia | PL, 76, 1075-1312. | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.36, Godden 1979, 1998-05-16, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2024-09-17 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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S1 | nec debet stultorum … pellibus conantur | 1141B | Gregory the Great | ||||||||||||||||
80-86 | ne sceal he … beteon | Homiliae xl in evangelia | PL, 76, 1075-1312. | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.36, Godden 1979, 1998-05-16, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2024-09-17 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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S1 | cui etiam per viam … debeat ostendatur | 1141A | Gregory the Great | ||||||||||||||||
87-90 | mid þisum … gecyrran | Homiliae xl in evangelia | PL, 76, 1075-1312. | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.36, Godden 1979, 1998-05-16, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2024-09-17 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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S1 | pax quae ab ore … merces recompensatur | 1141BC | Gregory the Great | ||||||||||||||||
93-99 | seo sibb … æt gode | Homiliae xl in evangelia | PL, 76, 1075-1312. | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.36, Godden 1979, 1998-05-16, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2024-09-17 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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S1 | ecce autem qui peam … sumpsit in via | 1141CD | Gregory the Great | ||||||||||||||||
101-20 | efne we gehyrað … underfeng | Homiliae xl in evangelia | PL, 76, 1075-1312. | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.36, Godden 1979, 1998-05-16, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2024-09-17 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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SA1 | 9.11 | Biblia Sacra | |||||||||||||||||
101-20 | efne we gehyrað … underfeng | 1 Corinthios | Weber 1975 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.36, Godden 1979, 1998-05-16, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2024-09-17 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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M1a | sed debemus … comedent | 1142C | Gregory the Great | ||||||||||||||||
120-30 | ac ðam lareowum … suwað | Homiliae xl in evangelia | PL, 76, 1075-1312. | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.36, Godden 1979, 1998-05-16, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2024-09-17 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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SA1 | 4.8 | Biblia Sacra | |||||||||||||||||
120-30 | ac ðam lareowum … suwað | Osee | Weber 1975 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.36, Godden 1979, 1998-05-16, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2024-09-17 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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M1a | sed et nos qui ex … manducamus | 1142C | Gregory the Great | ||||||||||||||||
120-30 | ac ðam lareowum … suwað | Homiliae xl in evangelia | PL, 76, 1075-1312. | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.36, Godden 1979, 1998-05-16, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2024-09-17 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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M1a | praecones namque venturi … praeco tacet | 1143A | Gregory the Great | ||||||||||||||||
120-30 | ac ðam lareowum … suwað | Homiliae xl in evangelia | PL, 76, 1075-1312. | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.36, Godden 1979, 1998-05-16, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2024-09-17 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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M1a | debemus namque pensare … non condimus | 1143AB | Gregory the Great | ||||||||||||||||
131-7 | drihten … leahtra | Homiliae xl in evangelia | PL, 76, 1075-1312. | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.36, Godden 1979, 1998-05-16, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2024-09-17 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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M3a | per sal quippe verbi sapientia designatur | 30 | Gregory the Great | ||||||||||||||||
131-7 | drihten … leahtra | Regula pastoralis | PL, 77, 13-128. | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.36, Godden 1979, 1998-05-16, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2024-09-17 Alternatively, please use the following information: