location | quote | target | |||||||||||||||||
23C | qui uocabulum augusti … augere sufficiens | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 1.2 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | se nama … geihte | 55-7 | Clemoes 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 1.2, Clemoes 1997, 1996-08-20, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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36-7 | stephanus stephanos … occiderat suo | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 1.3 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | stephanus is … acwealde | 91-8 | Clemoes 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 1.3, Clemoes 1997, 1996-09-10, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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68AB | hoc hominum natura … sapientia compleretur | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 1.9 | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | se ealda man … on mancynne | 124-30 | Clemoes 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 1.9, Clemoes 1997, 1997-04-09, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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72-3 | constat quippe … adorare eum | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 1.7 | ||||||||||||||||
M2o | swutel is … gebiddan | 79-82 | Clemoes 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 1.7, Clemoes 1997, 1997-03-19, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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73A | sed et de stella … venerunt iudaeam | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 1.7 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | þa undergeaton … iudea rice | 73-5 | Clemoes 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 1.7, Clemoes 1997, 1997-03-19, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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73C | nam perrexerunt magi … demonstraverunt | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 1.7 | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | eaþe mihte … gebicnodon | 83-91 | Clemoes 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 1.7, Clemoes 1997, 1999-07-07, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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74A | ubi est herodes stella non videtur | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 1.7 | ||||||||||||||||
M2a | ða þa … gelæt | 105-15 | Clemoes 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 1.7, Clemoes 1997, 1997-03-19, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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85A | dominus ad nuptias in hunc … sponsam ecclesiam | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.4 | ||||||||||||||||
M2a | æfter gastlicum … cild | 29-35 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.4, Godden 1979, 1997-10-17, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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86D | non enim dictum … vel ternas | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.4 | ||||||||||||||||
M2a | nis gecweden … mid him bam | 70-78 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.4, Godden 1979, 1997-10-17, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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87A | quia scripturae sanctae … intellige trinitatem | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.4 | ||||||||||||||||
M2a | nis gecweden … mid him bam | 70-78 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.4, Godden 1979, 1997-10-17, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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90A | prima ergo hyrdia impleta est … formatur ecclesia | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.4 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | on anginne … bryde | 100-4 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.4, Godden 1979, 1997-10-17, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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96C | filios regni iudaeos significat in quos ante regnavit deus | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 1.8 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | ða rican bearn sind þa iudeiscan on þam rixode god | 167-8 | Clemoes 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 1.8, Clemoes 1997, 1997-04-04, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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109CD | sed quia semen … perhiberet ueritati | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.6 | ||||||||||||||||
M1o | drihten sylf … gedwyld adwæscte | 55-63 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.6, Godden 1979, 1997-10-24, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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109D | quae dominus … sunt breuiter | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.6 | ||||||||||||||||
M1o | mine gebroðru … ða befon | 53-5 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.6, Godden 1979, 1997-10-24, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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109D-10A | semen quod secus … appellantur | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.6 | ||||||||||||||||
M1o | þæt sæd … gesewenlice | 64-72 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.6, Godden 1979, 1997-10-24, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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110A | petram dicit … perseuerantia uirtutis | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.6 | ||||||||||||||||
M1o | hwæt is seo … his heortan | 85-9 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.6, Godden 1979, 1997-10-24, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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111A | de hoc semine … percipere dignantur | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.6 | ||||||||||||||||
M1o | matheus awrat … andgite onfon | 72-6 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.6, Godden 1979, 1997-10-24, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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112AB | quod uero secundum … uirginitatis coronam | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.6 | ||||||||||||||||
M2o | sum dæl þæs sædes … drohtniað | 115-35 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.6, Godden 1979, 1997-10-24, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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131A | ego filiam ecclesiae … adorantes lapidem | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.8 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | seo dohtor … deofolgyldum | 30-33 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.8, Godden 1979, 1997-10-29, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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131AB | qui non respondit … tempore reservabat | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.8 | ||||||||||||||||
M2a | he ne andwyrde … beeodon | 45-51 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.8, Godden 1979, 1997-10-29, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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131BC | non quod et ad gentes … transmigratio | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.8 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | soðlice … gelyfdon oðþæt | 68-79 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.8, Godden 1979, 1997-10-29, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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131C | mira sub persona … catulis comparat | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.8 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | þreo halige … geemnette | 81-7 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.8, Godden 1979, 1997-10-29, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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131C | o mira rerum conversio … meam audient | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.8 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | þæt israhela folc … mine stemne | 89-98 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.8, Godden 1979, 1997-10-29, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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131D-2A | notandum sane quod mystice … humilitatis erigant | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.8 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | swiðe getacnigendlice … behat gelæste | 101-19 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.8, Godden 1979, 1997-10-29, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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132AB | propter magnam matris fidem … possunt aut mali | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.8 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | for ðam micclum … nyten sy | 122-7 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.8, Godden 1979, 1997-10-29, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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132B | typice autem mulier … idola dereliquit | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.8 | ||||||||||||||||
M2a | þis chananeisce … gesundfulnysse | 22-8 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.8, Godden 1979, 1997-10-29, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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132C | quod vero de finibus … devotione transferunt | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.8 | ||||||||||||||||
M2a | þis chananeisce … gesundfulnysse | 22-8 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.8, Godden 1979, 1997-10-29, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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153B | sunt qui putant … pani dabant | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 1.12 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | swilce hi … hlafum | 105 | Clemoes 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 1.12, Clemoes 1997, 1991-12-31, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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178B | postquam typicum … sanguinis repraesentaret | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.14 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | æfter gereorde … leofan fæder | 63-8 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.14, Godden 1979, 1997-12-23, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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182D | una legio … complebatur hominum | Aelfric | Supplementary homilies 17 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | and eorod … þusendum | 249 | Pope 1967-8 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R. Jayatilaka, Aelfric: Supplementary homilies 17, Pope 1967-8, 1995-08-22, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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194B | qui enim resurgente … credendi sunt | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.14 | ||||||||||||||||
M2o | eac swilce … secgað | 298-301 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.14, Godden 1979, 1997-12-23, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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224C | etenim pascha nostrum … corruptum est | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.15 | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | þæt getacnigendlice … soðfæstnysse | 258-69 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.15, Godden 1979, 1998-02-06, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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231D | semper se quod … in medio eorum | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.16 | ||||||||||||||||
M2o | he gefylde … tomiddes | 50-52 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.16, Godden 1979, 1998-05-13, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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232-3 | hoc nobis loco … attingere | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.16 | ||||||||||||||||
M2o | be ðison … geearnian | 55-63 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.16, Godden 1979, 1998-05-13, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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247 | quid est quod … procuravit | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.16 | ||||||||||||||||
M3ao | hi gemetton … beobread | 186-99 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.16, Godden 1979, 1998-05-13, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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280D | pacem offerebat … praedicaverunt mundo | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 1.16 | ||||||||||||||||
M2o | for sibbe … gedon | lines 44-46 | Clemoes 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 1.16, Clemoes 1997, 1996-03-12, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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396D | non dixit … iniquos | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 1.27 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | he cwæð … þrowiað | 80-82 | Clemoes 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 1.27, Clemoes 1997, 1991-01-07, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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397A | quia dominum … mutaret | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 1.27 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | ðry dagas … dæge | 87-9 | Clemoes 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 1.27, Clemoes 1997, 1991-01-07, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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397C | grandis … deserit | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 1.27 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | micel … agenne | 134-38 | Clemoes 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 1.27, Clemoes 1997, 1991-01-07, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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397D | non dixit … estis me | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 1.27 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | soðlice … filigdon | 142-50 | Clemoes 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 1.27, Clemoes 1997, 1991-01-07, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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397D | secuti … praemii | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 1.27 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | we dydon … edleane | 151-2 | Clemoes 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 1.27, Clemoes 1997, 1991-01-07, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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398B | non enim … iudicabunt | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 1.27 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | þis … getacnod | 165-75 | Clemoes 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 1.27, Clemoes 1997, 1991-01-07, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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398D | quod autem … fidem | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 1.27 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | edcynninge … lichaman | 155-63 | Clemoes 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 1.27, Clemoes 1997, 1991-01-07, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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413C | et de omnibus quidem … corda decipiunt | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 2.26 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | ða leasan … arleasnysse | 14-22 | Godden 1979 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 2.26, Godden 1979, 1998-03-21, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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464D | interpretatur … commotio | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 1.33 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | seo burh … styrung | 16-17 | Clemoes 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 1.33, Clemoes 1997, 1989-06-26, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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478A | videns iesus … contentione sanare | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 1.34 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | þa for … clypode | 167-72 | Clemoes 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 1.34, Clemoes 1997, 1989-06-26, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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479D | magna … delegatum | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 1.34 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | micel … hyrdrædene | 247-9 | Clemoes 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 1.34, Clemoes 1997, 1989-06-26, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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495C | qui enim salutem quaerebat … putavit deum | Aelfric | Irvine 1 | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | næs þe kyng alles … on ælcere stowe | 63-77 | Irvine 1993 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Susan Irvine, Aelfric: Irvine 1, Irvine 1993, 1997-10-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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495D | qua in re … et curabo eum | Aelfric | Irvine 1 | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | sum hundredes aldor … ic hine hæle | 102-7 | Irvine 1993 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Susan Irvine, Aelfric: Irvine 1, Irvine 1993, 1997-10-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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495D-496A | quid est quod regulus … ire paratus fuit | Aelfric | Irvine 1 | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | ðe underkyng laðode crist … sylfe cyþan | 121-36 | Irvine 1993 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Susan Irvine, Aelfric: Irvine 1, Irvine 1993, 1997-10-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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496A | incipiebat enim fidem … filii meruit | Aelfric | Irvine 1 | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | on þæs hælendes wordum … his sune hæle | 139-42 | Irvine 1993 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Susan Irvine, Aelfric: Irvine 1, Irvine 1993, 1997-10-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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496B | septenarius numerus … peccatorum credentibus | Aelfric | Irvine 1 | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | on ðare seofoðen tide … alræ ure synnæ | 149-52 | Irvine 1993 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Susan Irvine, Aelfric: Irvine 1, Irvine 1993, 1997-10-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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496C | quia nuntiatus est … crediderunt ex eis | Aelfric | Irvine 1 | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | nu ilyfde þes kyng … folce ilyfdon | 160-7 | Irvine 1993 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Susan Irvine, Aelfric: Irvine 1, Irvine 1993, 1997-10-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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512D | cum dies futuri saeculi advenerit | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 1.39 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | eac is gehwylcum … genealæcð | 50-51 | Clemoes 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 1.39, Clemoes 1997, 1997-08-07, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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514D-5A | quid solvendo … adducebatur | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 1.14 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | swa eac … to gode | 69-74 | Clemoes 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 1.14, Clemoes 1997, 1991-12-31, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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519CD | et ad joannem … servabitur | Aelfric | Catholic homilies 1.40 | ||||||||||||||||
M2ao | ne awendað heofen … sunnan leoht | 157-65 | Clemoes 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M.R. Godden, Aelfric: Catholic homilies 1.40, Clemoes 1997, 1997-08-15, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-07 Alternatively, please use the following information: