location | quote | target | |||||||||||||||||
3.2-3 | nox est … mortalibus ad requiem facta | Aelfric | De temporibus anni | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | niht is gesett mannum to reste | 3.1 | Henel 1942 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M. Atherton, Aelfric: De temporibus anni, Henel 1942, 1996-04-22, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-18 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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3.5-12 | cuius partes sunt septem … aurora solem praecedens | Aelfric | De temporibus anni | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | seo niht hæfð seofon dælas … sunnan upgange | 3.18-25 | Henel 1942 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M. Atherton, Aelfric: De temporibus anni, Henel 1942, 1996-04-22, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-18 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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3.11-12 | diliculum … haec et aurora solem praecedens | Aelfric | De temporibus anni | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | þæt leoht ðe we hatað dægered … þonne he upweard bið | 1.22 | Henel 1942 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M. Atherton, Aelfric: De temporibus anni, Henel 1942, 1996-04-20, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-18 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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9.2-3 | annus solaris … zodiacum peragit | Aelfric | De temporibus anni | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | þære sunnan gear is … beyrne ðone micelan circul zodiacum | 4.1 | Henel 1942 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M. Atherton, Aelfric: De temporibus anni, Henel 1942, 1996-04-22, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-18 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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20.3-4 | carthago a didone conditur | Anon (OE) | Orosius, History against the Pagans | ||||||||||||||||
M3ao | þæs þe hie ærest diþa þe wifmon getimbrede | 133.9-10 | Bately 1980 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R. Jayatilaka, Anon (OE): Orosius, History against the Pagans, Bately 1980, 2001-02-20, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-18 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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22.3-4 | huius … mmmmmcxcviiii | Anon (OE Martyrology) | The Birth of Christ | ||||||||||||||||
MX | þa wæs agangen … was acenned | 2.1.10-13 | Kotzor 1981, 2, 1.1-2.16 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: C. Rauer, Anon (OE Martyrology): The Birth of Christ, Kotzor 1981, 2000-03-01, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-18 Alternatively, please use the following information: