location | quote | target | |||||||||||||||||
praef.1 | arbiter aethereo iugiter qui regmine sceptra | Boniface | Enigma 5 | ||||||||||||||||
M3ao | arbiter aethereus condit me calce carentem | 15 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 5, Glorie 1968, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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praef.3 | disponis moderans aeternis legibus illud | Anon (Lat.) | Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | paefuit et moderans eternis legibus illas | 107 | Strecker 1923, 943-61 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Anon (Lat.): Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi, Strecker 1923, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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praef.6 | limpida dictanti metrorum carmina praesul | Anon (Lat.) | De clauibus sapientiae | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | dulcisonis cantis metrorum carmina pipans | 3 | Jones 1975 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Anon (Lat.): De clauibus sapientiae, Jones 1975, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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praef.15 | inspirans stolidae pia gratis munera menti | Alcuin | Carmen 1 (Poem on York) | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | irrorans stolidum uiuaci flumine pectus | 5 | Godman 1982 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Alcuin: Carmen 1 (Poem on York), Godman 1982, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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praef.19 | late per populos illustria qua nitidus sol | Anon (Lat.) | Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi | ||||||||||||||||
M2a | late per populos domini pia gratia fluxit | 10 | Strecker 1923, 943-61 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Anon (Lat.): Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi, Strecker 1923, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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praef.19 | late per populos illustria qua nitidus sol | Anon (Lat.) | Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | late per populos lustrauit stemmate claro | 98 | Strecker 1923, 943-61 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Anon (Lat.): Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi, Strecker 1923, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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praef.19 | late per populos illustria qua nitidus sol | Anon (Lat.) | Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi | ||||||||||||||||
M2a | late per populos prouulgans ore loquelas | 155 | Strecker 1923, 943-61 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Anon (Lat.): Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi, Strecker 1923, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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praef.24 | splendida formatis fudisset lumina saeclis | Bede | Vita metrica S. Cuthberti | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | multa suis dominus fulgescere lumina saeclis | 1 | Jaager 1935 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: A. Orchard and R.C. Love, Bede: Vita metrica S. Cuthberti, Jaager 1935, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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praef.24 | splendida formatis fudisset lumina saeclis | Bede | Vita metrica S. Cuthberti | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | praescia uenturis intendere lumina saeclis | 503 | Jaager 1935 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: A. Orchard and R.C. Love, Bede: Vita metrica S. Cuthberti, Jaager 1935, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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praef.24 | splendida formatis fudisset lumina saeclis | Anon (Lat.) | Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | multa suis late concessit lumina seclis | 16 | Strecker 1923, 943-61 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Anon (Lat.): Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi, Strecker 1923, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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praef.24 | splendida formatis fudisset lumina saeclis | Boniface | Enigma 2 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | luciflua promunt fuscis mea lumina saeclis | 11 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 2, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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praef.24 | splendida formatis fudisset lumina saeclis | Boniface | Enigma 5 | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | splendida quae stolidis praestaui munera saeclis | 2 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 5, Glorie 1968, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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praef.34 | desertum penetrat cecinit quod carmine dauid | Boniface | Enigma 1 | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | antiquus uates cecinit quod carmine dauid | 8 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 1, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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praef.34 | desertum penetrat cecinit quod carmine dauid | Alcuin | Carmen 1 (Poem on York) | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | exultauerunt cecinit sicut antea dauid | 603 | Godman 1982 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Alcuin: Carmen 1 (Poem on York), Godman 1982, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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1.3 | improba sic lacerant maternas dente papillas | Bede | De die iudicii | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | et uermes lacerant ignitis dentibus ossa | 105 | Fraipont 1955, 439-44 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Bede: De die iudicii, Fraipont 1955, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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1.4 | prole uirens aestate tabescens tempore brumae | Bede | Vita metrica S. Cuthberti | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | hospitis hic habitu mediae sub tempore brumae | 185 | Jaager 1935 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: A. Orchard and R.C. Love, Bede: Vita metrica S. Cuthberti, Jaager 1935, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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1.4 | prole uirens aestate tabescens tempore brumae | Frithegod | Breuiloquium vitae Wilfridi | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | non ardor phoebi non algida tempora brumae | 567 | Campbell 1950, 4-62 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Frithegod: Breuiloquium vitae Wilfridi, Campbell 1950, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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2.1 | cernere me nulli possunt nec prendere palmis | Boniface | Enigma 1 | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | uincere me nulli possunt sed perdere multi | 1 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 1, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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2.1 | cernere me nulli possunt nec prendere palmis | Tatwine | Enigma 2 | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | cernere que nullus nec pandere septa ualebit | 5 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 2, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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2.3 | uiribus horrisonis ualeo confringere quercus | Boniface | Enigma 12 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | uiribus atque meis ualeo depellere sensus | 5 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 12, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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2.4 | nam superos ego pulso polos et rura peragro | Boniface | Enigma 1 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | incola sed quaerens germanam rura peragro | 4 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 1, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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4.4 | alta poli solisque iubar lunaeque meatus | Wulfstan Cantor | Vita metrica S. Swithuni | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | caelorum phoebique rotam lunaeque meatum | 1.392 | Campbell 1950, 63-177 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Wulfstan Cantor: Vita metrica S. Swithuni, Campbell 1950, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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5.1 | taumantis proles priscorum famine fingor | Boniface | Enigma 13 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | horrendum dicunt omnes sed famine ficto | 16 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 13, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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7.3 | sceptra regens mundi | Anon (Lat.) | Charter S225 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | mundi … regit | 1-2 | Birch 1887, no. 632 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Anon (Lat.): Charter S225, Birch 1887, 1997-03-16, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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9.1 | en ego non uereor rigidi discrimina ferri | Frithegod | Breuiloquium vitae Wilfridi | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | compedibus rigidi dampnatum carcere ferri | 886 | Campbell 1950, 4-62 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Frithegod: Breuiloquium vitae Wilfridi, Campbell 1950, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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10.1 | sic me iamdudum rerum ueneranda potestas | Anon (Lat.) | Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | rex deus eternus patris ueneranda potestas | 1 | Strecker 1923, 943-61 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Anon (Lat.): Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi, Strecker 1923, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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10.1 | sic me iamdudum rerum ueneranda potestas | Anon (Lat.) | Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | arbiter omnipotens mundi ueneranda potestas | 185 | Strecker 1923, 943-61 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Anon (Lat.): Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi, Strecker 1923, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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11.1 | flatibus alternis uescor cum fratre gemello | Boniface | Enigma 10 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | hac auri uinco specie gemmata metalla | 14 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 10, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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11.1 | flatibus alternis uescor cum fratre gemello | Boniface | Enigma 13 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | sumant ut pretium trucidato fratre gemello | 9 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 13, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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11.1 | flatibus alternis uescor cum fratre gemello | Wulfstan Cantor | Vita metrica S. Swithuni, Epistola specialis | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | flatibus alternis spiracula maxima reddunt | 145 | Campbell 1950, 63-177 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Wulfstan Cantor: Vita metrica S. Swithuni, Epistola specialis, Campbell 1950, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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11.3 | ars mea gemmatis dedit ornamenta metallis | Boniface | Enigma 17 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | ars mea escarum et uini nutrimine crescit | 8 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 17, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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12.3 | moxque genestarum frondosa cacumina scando | Tatwine | Enigma 17 | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | ardua ceu pennis conuecta cacumina scando | 4 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 17, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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13.1 | salpictae classica clangant | Anon (Lat.) | Charter S417 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | classica … salpicae | 33-4 | Birch 1887, no. 689 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Anon (Lat.): Charter S417, Birch 1887, 1997-03-17, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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13.1 | salpictae classica clangant | Anon (Lat.) | Charter S421 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | classica … salpice | 25-6 | Birch 1887, no. 694 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Anon (Lat.): Charter S421, Birch 1887, 1997-03-17, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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13.1 | salpictae classica clangant | Anon (Lat.) | Charter S423 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | classica … salpice | 36 | O'Donovan 1988, no. 8 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Anon (Lat.): Charter S423, O'Donovan 1988, 1997-03-17, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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13.1 | salpictae classica clangant | Anon (Lat.) | Charter S928 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | classica clangente … salpice | 23 | Sawyer 1979, no. 37 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Anon (Lat.): Charter S928, Sawyer 1979, 1997-03-21, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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13.3 | centenos tamen eructant mea uiscera cantus | Tatwine | Enigma 34 | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | omnes enim diris complent mea uiscera flammae | 1 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 34, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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14.1 | sum namque excellens specie mirandus in orbe | Wulfstan Cantor | Vita metrica S. Swithuni | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | translatus micuit toto mirandus in orbe | 1.43 | Campbell 1950, 63-177 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Wulfstan Cantor: Vita metrica S. Swithuni, Campbell 1950, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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14.2 | ossibus ac neruis ac rubro sanguine cretus | Alcuin | Carmen 1 (Poem on York) | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | ossibus et neruis nec non et mente uigentem | 419 | Godman 1982 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Alcuin: Carmen 1 (Poem on York), Godman 1982, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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17.4 | confero: sic duplex fati persoluo tributum | Tatwine | Enigma 6 | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | uincta tribus nunc in terris persoluo tributum | 3 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 6, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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19.3 | torrida dum calidos patior tormenta per ignes | Boniface | Enigma 13 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | horrida pestiferis cumulat tormenta maniplis | 33 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 13, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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20.3 | arte mea crocea flauescunt fercula regum | Boniface | Enigma 15 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | arte mea plures submersi faucibus orci | 11 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 15, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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20.3 | arte mea crocea flauescunt fercula regum | Boniface | Enigma 20 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | arte mea perdunt multi pia facta laboris | 10 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 20, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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20.3 | arte mea crocea flauescunt fercula regum | Boniface | Enigma 7 | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | arte mea iugiter conplentur iussa superna | 10 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 7, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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21.3 | auri materias massasque polire sueta | Boniface | Enigma 13 | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | auri materiem et fuluo splendore metalla | 8 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 13, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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23.1 | nos geminas olim genuit natura sorores | Boniface | Enigma 4 | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | moribus en geminae uariis et iure sorores | 1 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 4, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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23.4 | felix in terra fieret mortalibus aeuum | Boniface | Enigma 4 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | impenetrans miseris ueniam mortalibus aeui | 14 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 4, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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23.4 | felix in terra fieret mortalibus aeuum | Boniface | Enigma 8 | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | pacificum passim fieret mortalibus aeuum | 1 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 8, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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24.2 | augeo purpureis gemmarum lumina fucis | Anon (Lat.) | Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | saucia restituit gemmarum lumina clemens | 146 | Strecker 1923, 943-61 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Anon (Lat.): Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi, Strecker 1923, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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24.4 | si prius occumbat squamoso corpore natrix | Anon (Lat.) | Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi | ||||||||||||||||
M2a | turgentem mundat squamoso corpore lepram | 252 | Strecker 1923, 943-61 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Anon (Lat.): Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi, Strecker 1923, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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26.2 | angustae lucis radios et lumina phoebi | Tatwine | Enigma 1 | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | clarior et phoebi radiis pretiosior auro | 5 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 1, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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26.2 | angustae lucis radios et lumina phoebi | Eusebius | Enigma 58 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | uitans luciflui suffundi lumine phoebi | 2 | Glorie 1968, 209-71 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Eusebius: Enigma 58, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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26.5 | serratas capitis gestans in uertice cristas | Eusebius | Enigma 30 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | fortis et armigeri gestabar uertice tauri | 2 | Glorie 1968, 209-71 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Eusebius: Enigma 30, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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27.1 | frigidus ex gelido prolatus uiscere terrae | Tatwine | Enigma 31 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | iam nasci gelido natum de uiscere matris | 2 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 31, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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27.1 | frigidus ex gelido prolatus uiscere terrae | Tatwine | Enigma 39 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | natum me gelido terrae de uiscere dicunt | 1 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 39, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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27.5 | mox rigida species mollescit torribus atris | Boniface | Enigma 16 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | crudeles animas urens cum torribus atris | 11 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 16, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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28.5 | ex hominis pecudisque simul cognomine dicor | Anon (Lat.) | Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | menibus in nostris dictus cognomine pethgils | 324 | Strecker 1923, 943-61 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Anon (Lat.): Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi, Strecker 1923, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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29.5 | olim sumpserunt ex me primordia uitae | Wulfstan Cantor | Vita metrica S. Swithuni | ||||||||||||||||
M2o | curuus erat quem prima suae primordia uitae | 1.2 | Campbell 1950, 63-177 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Wulfstan Cantor: Vita metrica S. Swithuni, Campbell 1950, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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29.5 | olim sumpserunt ex me primordia uitae | Wulfstan Cantor | Vita metrica S. Swithuni, Epistola specialis | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | rursus ut amissae repetat primordia uitae | 420 | Campbell 1950, 63-177 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Wulfstan Cantor: Vita metrica S. Swithuni, Epistola specialis, Campbell 1950, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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31.2 | est mihi dum uaria componor imagine pennae | Boniface | Enigma 20 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | non una specie uaria sed imagine ludo | 3 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 20, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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31.3 | uoce carens tremula nam faxo crepacula rostro | Eusebius | Enigma 56 | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | nomen: nam quatiente ferensque crepacula rostro | 2 | Glorie 1968, 209-71 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Eusebius: Enigma 56, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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31.3 | uoce carens tremula nam faxo crepacula rostro | Alcuin | Carmen 1 (Poem on York) | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | uoce carens membrisque stupens in pectore tantum | 620 | Godman 1982 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Alcuin: Carmen 1 (Poem on York), Godman 1982, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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33.1 | roscida me genuit gelido de uiscere tellus | Tatwine | Enigma 31 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | iam nasci gelido natum de uiscere matris | 2 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 31, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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33.1 | roscida me genuit gelido de uiscere tellus | Tatwine | Enigma 39 | ||||||||||||||||
M2o | natum me gelido terrae de uiscere dicunt | 1 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 39, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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35.4 | quin magis astriferas ego nocte fouebo latebras | Eusebius | Enigma 55 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | quin magis: indicus et si me generamine pontus | 3 | Glorie 1968, 209-71 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Eusebius: Enigma 55, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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35.6 | romuleis scribor biblis sed uoce pelasga | Eusebius | Enigma 53 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | nomen imago dedit seruandum uoce pelasga | 10 | Glorie 1968, 209-71 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Eusebius: Enigma 53, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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36.1 | corpore sum gracilis stimulis armatus acerbis | Tatwine | Enigma 34 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | nam me flamma ferox stimulis deuastat aceruis | 2 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 34, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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36.2 | scando cateruatim uolitans super ardua pennis | Tatwine | Enigma 17 | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | ardua ceu pennis conuecta cacumina scando | 4 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 17, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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37.1 | nepa mihi nomen ueteres dixere latini | Eusebius | Enigma 54 | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | inde meumque moram nomen dixere latini. | 6 | Glorie 1968, 209-71 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Eusebius: Enigma 54, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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37.2 | humida spumiferi spatior per litora ponti | Anon (Lat.) | Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | exin fluctiuagi conscendit litora ponti | 30 | Strecker 1923, 943-61 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Anon (Lat.): Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi, Strecker 1923, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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37.5 | dum ruber in caelo bisseno sidere scando | Boniface | Enigma 1 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | trans ubi semper eram fugiens nunc sidera scandam | 10 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 1, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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38.6 | quin potius pedibus gradior super aequora siccis | Alcuin | Carmen 1 (Poem on York) | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | suffultus graditur siccis super aequora plantis | 1369 | Godman 1982 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Alcuin: Carmen 1 (Poem on York), Godman 1982, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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39.1 | setiger in siluis armatos dentibus apros | Eusebius | Enigma 53 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | ad frondem uersus mordens ceu dentibus apri | 13 | Glorie 1968, 209-71 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Eusebius: Enigma 53, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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41.1 | nolo fidem frangas licet irrita dicta putentur | Boniface | Enigma 12 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | inrita dicta ferens et raro sentio uera | 14 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 12, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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41.2 | credula sed nostris pande praecordia uerbis! | Anon (Lat.) | Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | credula pandentes uasta glomerante caterua | 23 | Strecker 1923, 943-61 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Anon (Lat.): Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi, Strecker 1923, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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43.1 | latices cenosas | Anon (Lat.) | Charter S617 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | cenose laticis | 7 | Birch 1893, no. 964 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Anon (Lat.): Charter S617, Birch 1893, 1997-03-18, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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43.3 | rubro dum bibulis uescor de sanguine buccis | Tatwine | Enigma 4 | ||||||||||||||||
M2a | dulcia quod bibulis prestamus pocula buccis | 2 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 4, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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43.3 | rubro dum bibulis uescor de sanguine buccis | Boniface | Enigma 16 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | ex bibulis semper dinoscor condita buccis | 1 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 16, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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44.1 | me pater et mater gelido genuere rigore | Tatwine | Enigma 31 | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | iam nasci gelido natum de uiscere matris | 2 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 31, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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44.6 | comminuens penitus naturae iura resoluam | Anon (Lat.) | Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi | ||||||||||||||||
M2o | hec ubi dicta dedit nature iura resoluens | 179 | Strecker 1923, 943-61 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Anon (Lat.): Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi, Strecker 1923, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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44.8 | postmodum et fato uictus pice nigrior exsto | Boniface | Enigma 9 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | uestibus in spretis specie quia nigrior exsto | 2 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 9, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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46.1-5 | torqueo torquentes … ulciscor acutis | Byrhtferth | Vita S. Oswaldi | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | torqueo torquentes … ulciscor acutis | 418.16-20 | Raine 1879, I, 399-475 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Byrhtferth: Vita S. Oswaldi, Raine 1879, 1998-01-05, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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49.4 | sic geminas uario patior discrimine pugnas | Eusebius | Enigma 58 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | extimplo austriferi patior discrimina loeti | 6 | Glorie 1968, 209-71 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Eusebius: Enigma 58, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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49.4 | sic geminas uario patior discrimine pugnas | Boniface | Enigma 4 | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | moribus en geminae uariis et iure sorores | 1 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 4, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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50.2 | mille uocor uiridi folium de cespite natum | Anon (Lat.) | Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | nec ea producunt uiridi de cespite rura | 197 | Strecker 1923, 943-61 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Anon (Lat.): Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi, Strecker 1923, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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50.3 | idcirco decies centenum nomen habebo | Eusebius | Enigma 57 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | infandus uolucer sum et nomen habebo pelasgum | 1 | Glorie 1968, 209-71 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Eusebius: Enigma 57, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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51.1 | sponte mea nascor fecundo cespite uernans | Bede | De die iudicii | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | inter florigeras fecundi cespitis herbas | 1 | Fraipont 1955, 439-44 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Bede: De die iudicii, Fraipont 1955, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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52.1 | materia duplici palmis plasmabar apertis | Frithegod | Breuiloquium vitae Wilfridi | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | inpensas eleis palmis fundebat apertis | 1133 | Campbell 1950, 4-62 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Frithegod: Breuiloquium vitae Wilfridi, Campbell 1950, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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53.4 | cetera ceu properant caelorum lumina ponto | Anon (Lat.) | Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | o dilecte dei celorum lumina cernens | 302 | Strecker 1923, 943-61 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Anon (Lat.): Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi, Strecker 1923, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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53.7 | in arce polorum | Bede | De die iudicii | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | ab arce polorum | 48 | Fraipont 1955, 439-44 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: M. Griffith, Bede: De die iudicii, Fraipont 1955, 2007-06-10, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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54.1 | credere quis poterit tantis spectacula causis | Boniface | Enigma 5 | ||||||||||||||||
M2ao | cernere quis poterit numero aut quis calculo aequat | 1 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 5, Glorie 1968, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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55.2 | ualuas sed nullus reserat nec limina pandit | Bede | Vita metrica S. Cuthberti | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | ergo deum restat precibus pulsare supinis | 265 | Jaager 1935 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: A. Orchard and R.C. Love, Bede: Vita metrica S. Cuthberti, Jaager 1935, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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56.1 | hospes praeruptis habitans in margine ripis | Alcuin | Carmen 1 (Poem on York) | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | rupibus horrendis praerupto et margine septus | 1326 | Godman 1982 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Alcuin: Carmen 1 (Poem on York), Godman 1982, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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57.8 | post haec restauror praeclaro lumine phoebi | Eusebius | Enigma 58 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | uitans luciflui suffundi lumine phoebi | 2 | Glorie 1968, 209-71 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Eusebius: Enigma 58, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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58.1 | tempore de primo noctis mihi nomen adhaesit | Eusebius | Enigma 55 | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | propter hoc opus infandum mihi nomen adhesit | 2 | Glorie 1968, 209-71 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Eusebius: Enigma 55, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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58.7 | ut furuas lumen noctis depelleret umbras | Bede | Vita metrica S. Cuthberti | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | at reuoluta dies noctis cum pelleret umbras | 237 | Jaager 1935 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: A. Orchard and R.C. Love, Bede: Vita metrica S. Cuthberti, Jaager 1935, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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59.1-2 | me dudum … gurgite limphas | Byrhtferth | Vita S. Oswaldi | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | me dudum … gurgite lymphas | 418.8-9 | Raine 1879, I, 399-475 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Byrhtferth: Vita S. Oswaldi, Raine 1879, 1998-01-05, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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59.3 | pergo per albentes directo tramite campos | Alcuin | Carmen 1 (Poem on York) | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | ipse per angustam quas recto tramite callem | 1029 | Godman 1982 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Alcuin: Carmen 1 (Poem on York), Godman 1982, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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59.6 | nec satis est unum per campos pandere callem | Bede | Vita metrica S. Cuthberti | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | fratribus exemplo uirtutis pandere callem | 378 | Jaager 1935 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: A. Orchard and R.C. Love, Bede: Vita metrica S. Cuthberti, Jaager 1935, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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59.8 | quae non errantes ad caeli culmina uexit | Boniface | Enigma 17 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | aurea luciferi ut non tranent culmina caeli | 7 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 17, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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60.1 | collibus in celsis saeui discrimina martis | Tatwine | Enigma 17 | ||||||||||||||||
M2a | ueloci uitans passu discrimina martis | 5 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 17, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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60.5 | belliger impugnans elefantes uulnere sterno | Boniface | Enigma 20 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | rurigenas animas perdens per uulnera sterno | 8 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 20, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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61.4 | per me multorum clauduntur lumina leto | Bede | Vita metrica S. Cuthberti | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | sed precor insistens pulsat quia lumina loetum | 712 | Jaager 1935 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: A. Orchard and R.C. Love, Bede: Vita metrica S. Cuthberti, Jaager 1935, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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63.1 | littera tollatur: post haec sine prole manebo | Tatwine | Enigma 4 | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | littera tollatur non fulget nominis ortus | 5 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 4, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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63.1 | littera tollatur: post haec sine prole manebo | Eusebius | Enigma 34 | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | littera subtrahitur post haec fulgebo per orbem | 6 | Glorie 1968, 209-71 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Eusebius: Enigma 34, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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63.1 | usibus humanis seruiret rite per aeuum | Boniface | Enigma 5 | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | talibus humanum semper miserebor in aeuum | 6 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 5, Glorie 1968, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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63.4 | primus uiuentum perdebam foedera iuris | Boniface | Enigma 10 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | uiuida quique mei proiecit foedera iuris | 20 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 10, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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64.3 | prima praecepti compleui iussa parentis | Boniface | Enigma 5 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | ritibus atque meis conplentur iussa superna | 5 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 5, Glorie 1968, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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64.3 | prima praecepti compleui iussa parentis | Boniface | Enigma 7 | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | arte mea iugiter conplentur iussa superna | 10 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 7, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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65.8 | qui mihi latrantes crudelia bella ciebunt | Frithegod | Breuiloquium vitae Wilfridi | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | quid plura? quotiens crudelia bella lacessunt | 390 | Campbell 1950, 4-62 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Frithegod: Breuiloquium vitae Wilfridi, Campbell 1950, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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66.1 | nos sumus aequales communi sorte sorores | Eusebius | Enigma 48 | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | non sumus aequales quamuis ambaeque sorores | 1 | Glorie 1968, 209-71 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Eusebius: Enigma 48, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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66.1 | nos sumus aequales communi sorte sorores | Boniface | Enigma 9 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | si me forte caret propria nec sorte sorores | 9 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 9, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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66.5 | nec tamen inuidiae stimulis agitamur acerbis | Tatwine | Enigma 34 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | nam me flamma ferox stimulis deuastat aceruis | 2 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 34, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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66.7 | comminuens reddit famulans sine fraude maligna | Boniface | Enigma 13 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | edidit inuisam superis sub fraude maligna | 53 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 13, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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66.7 | comminuens reddit famulans sine fraude maligna | Boniface | Enigma 14 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | luciferum ut dudum seduxi fraude malignum | 9 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 14, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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67.6 | sic animae pariter pereunt dum uita fatescit | Boniface | Enigma 13 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | tetrica crudelis trudens ad limina ditis | 13 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 13, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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68.2 | uocibus horrendis stimulans in bella cohortes | Alcuin | Carmen 1 (Poem on York) | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | uexari solitus … loca lata replere | 402-3 | Godman 1982 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Alcuin: Carmen 1 (Poem on York), Godman 1982, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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69.1 | semper habens uirides frondenti in corpore crines | Anon (Lat.) | Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | uulnera semper habens torpebat mortis in umbra | 293 | Strecker 1923, 943-61 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Anon (Lat.): Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi, Strecker 1923, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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69.4 | uiribus horrendis studeant deglobere frontem | Boniface | Enigma 13 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | uisibus horrendum nec dictu effabile elli | 2 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 13, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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70.3 | carior et multo quam cetera scuta duelli | Boniface | Enigma 13 | ||||||||||||||||
M2ao | carior et multis conprobor lumine uitae | 17 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 13, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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71.2 | arbiter immensum primo dum pangeret orbem | Anon (Lat.) | De clauibus sapientiae | ||||||||||||||||
M3ao | arbiter immenso quem ditat munere ihc | 4 | Jones 1975 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Anon (Lat.): De clauibus sapientiae, Jones 1975, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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71.4 | spiritus alterno uegitat nec corpora flatu | Alcuin | Carmen 1 (Poem on York) | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | naribus alternis tenuis uix flabat anhelus | 1143 | Godman 1982 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Alcuin: Carmen 1 (Poem on York), Godman 1982, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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71.5 | quamuis in caelis conuexa cacumina cernam | Tatwine | Enigma 17 | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | ardua ceu pennis conuecta cacumina scando | 4 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 17, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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72.5 | nullus anhelanti procedit uiscere flatus | Bede | Vita metrica S. Cuthberti | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | lactantumque sacer repleat si uiscera flatus | 73 | Jaager 1935 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: A. Orchard and R.C. Love, Bede: Vita metrica S. Cuthberti, Jaager 1935, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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73.4 | quis numerus capiat uel quis laterculus aequet | Boniface | Enigma 5 | ||||||||||||||||
M3ao | cernere quis poterit numero aut quis calculo aequat | 1 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 5, Glorie 1968, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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73.6 | his neque per caelum rutilantis sidera sperae | Anon (Lat.) | Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | duxit ad astriferi rutilantia sidera celi | 26 | Strecker 1923, 943-61 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Anon (Lat.): Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi, Strecker 1923, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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73.7 | fluctiuagi ponti nec compensantur harenae | Anon (Lat.) | Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | exin fluctiuagi conscendit litora ponti | 30 | Strecker 1923, 943-61 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Anon (Lat.): Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi, Strecker 1923, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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75.2 | horridus et grossae depromo murmura uocis | Frithegod | Breuiloquium vitae Wilfridi | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | ingeminat querulas instanti murmure uoces | 506 | Campbell 1950, 4-62 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Frithegod: Breuiloquium vitae Wilfridi, Campbell 1950, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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76.6 | stipite de patulo dum penderet arbiter orbis | Boniface | Enigma 11 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | aut quid praeciperet mortalibus arbiter orbis | 11 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 11, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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76.6 | stipite de patulo dum penderet arbiter orbis | Boniface | Enigma 13 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | prendere hunc mihi si traderet arbiter orbis | 66 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 13, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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79.5 | sed potius summi genuit regnator olimpi | Anon (Lat.) | Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | te saucis medicum statuit regnator olimpi | 304 | Strecker 1923, 943-61 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Anon (Lat.): Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi, Strecker 1923, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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79.5 | sed potius summi genuit regnator olimpi | Frithegod | Breuiloquium vitae Wilfridi | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | at postquam summi uoluit regnator olimphi | 12 | Campbell 1950, 4-62 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Frithegod: Breuiloquium vitae Wilfridi, Campbell 1950, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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79.11 | atraque nunc erebi regnarent tartara nigri | Boniface | Enigma 14 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | e superis regnis trudens in tartara nigra | 4 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 14, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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80.3 | et laxis ardor fornacis regnat habenis | Bede | De die iudicii | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | ignis ubique suis ruptis regnabit habenis | 73 | Fraipont 1955, 439-44 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Bede: De die iudicii, Fraipont 1955, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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80.5 | nempe uolunt plures collum constringere dextra | Eusebius | Enigma 43 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | nomine nempe meo persi dixere sagittam | 4 | Glorie 1968, 209-71 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Eusebius: Enigma 43, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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80.8 | dulcia compressis impendens basia buccis | Tatwine | Enigma 4 | ||||||||||||||||
M2a | dulcia quod bibulis prestamus pocula buccis | 2 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 4, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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82.6 | quin magis ex aure praegnantur uiscera fetu | Eusebius | Enigma 55 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | quin magis: indicus et si me generamine pontus | 3 | Glorie 1968, 209-71 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Eusebius: Enigma 55, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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89.1 | nunc mea diuinis complentur uiscera uerbis | Tatwine | Enigma 34 | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | omnes enim diris complent mea uiscera flammae | 1 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 34, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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89.4 | infelix fato fraudabor munere tali | Boniface | Enigma 18 | ||||||||||||||||
M3ao | infelix fatum tanta me fraude fefellit | 6 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 18, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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90.1 | sunt mihi sex oculi totidem simul auribus hausi | Eusebius | Enigma 12 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | et segetes colui nec potus ebrius hausi | 3 | Glorie 1968, 209-71 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Eusebius: Enigma 12, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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90.1 | sunt mihi sex oculi totidem simul auribus hausi | Byrhtferth | Vita S. Ecgwini | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | dulcibus hausit auribus | 376.23 | Giles 1854 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Byrhtferth: Vita S. Ecgwini, Giles 1854, 2000-07-31, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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91.1 | omnipotens auctor nutu qui cuncta creauit | Boniface | Enigma 13 | ||||||||||||||||
M3ao | conditor excelsus dudum qui saecla creauit | 50 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 13, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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91.5 | edita caelestis prensant et praemia uitae | Boniface | Enigma 20 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | luciflua ut perdant uenturae praemia uitae | 6 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 20, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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92.4 | nauigeros calles ut pandam classibus index | Bede | Vita metrica S. Cuthberti | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | nauigero patrium nos calle reducet ad aruum | 285 | Jaager 1935 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: A. Orchard and R.C. Love, Bede: Vita metrica S. Cuthberti, Jaager 1935, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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92.7 | et tamen immensis errantes fluctibus actos | Eusebius | Enigma 54 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | et tamen inmensas solus retinebo liburnas | 2 | Glorie 1968, 209-71 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Eusebius: Enigma 54, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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93.2 | aut paribus fungi nitatur uiribus audax? | Boniface | Enigma 9 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | in tanto numero excepta me uiribus audax | 15 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 9, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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93.4 | sed gracilis grande soleo prosternere leto | Tatwine | Enigma 32 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | obuia fata iuuant et corpora sternere loeto | 2 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 32, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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96.1 | ferratas acies et denso milite turmas | Wulfstan Cantor | Vita metrica S. Swithuni, Epistola specialis | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | ferratas acies et quae strauere feroces | 522 | Campbell 1950, 63-177 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Wulfstan Cantor: Vita metrica S. Swithuni, Epistola specialis, Campbell 1950, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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96.3 | dum maculare student armis pia foedera regni | Tatwine | Enigma 34 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | ut acis pia mox truculenter foedera frangam | 3 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 34, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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96.6 | cernere non pauidus didici trux murmura martis | Boniface | Enigma 13 | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | dira fremens saeuo passim cum murmure martis | 5 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 13, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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96.7 | quamquam me turpem nascendi fecerit auctor | Anon (Lat.) | Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | quis tuus est genitor uel quis hoc fecerat auctor | 165 | Strecker 1923, 943-61 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Anon (Lat.): Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi, Strecker 1923, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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96.8 | editus ex aluo dum sumpsi munera uitae | Boniface | Enigma 20 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | aurea uenturae qui quaerunt munera uitae | 15 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 20, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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96.11 | bratea non auri fuluis pretiosa metallis | Boniface | Enigma 10 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | hac auri uinco specie gemmata metalla | 14 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 10, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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96.11 | bratea non auri fuluis pretiosa metallis | Alcuin | Carmen 1 (Poem on York) | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | auri blateolis pulchre distincta coronas | 279 | Godman 1982 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Alcuin: Carmen 1 (Poem on York), Godman 1982, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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96.11 | bratea non auri fuluis pretiosa metallis | Alcuin | Carmen 1 (Poem on York) | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | et totum texit pretiosis ualde metallis | 1498 | Godman 1982 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Alcuin: Carmen 1 (Poem on York), Godman 1982, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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99.7 | dum trucis aspectant immensos corporis artus | Eusebius | Enigma 55 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | aura mea afficiat sanos quo corporis artus | 8 | Glorie 1968, 209-71 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Eusebius: Enigma 55, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.1 | conditor aeternis fulcit qui saecla columnis | Boniface | Enigma 13 | ||||||||||||||||
M3ao | conditor excelsus dudum qui saecla creauit | 50 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 13, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.3 | pendula dum patuli uertuntur culmina caeli | Anon (Lat.) | Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | peruigil excubiis mundi luminaria poscens | 45 | Strecker 1923, 943-61 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Anon (Lat.): Miracula S. Nyniae episcopi, Strecker 1923, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.3 | pendula dum patuli uertuntur culmina caeli | Boniface | Enigma 14 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | serpens angelicus genuit me in culmine caeli | 1 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 14, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.3 | pendula dum patuli uertuntur culmina caeli | Boniface | Enigma 16 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | edita stelligeri ut non scandent culmina caeli | 12 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 16, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.3 | pendula dum patuli uertuntur culmina caeli | Boniface | Enigma 17 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | aurea luciferi ut non tranent culmina caeli | 7 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 17, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.3 | pendula dum patuli uertuntur culmina caeli | Boniface | Enigma 3 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | et sine me scandit nullus per culmina caeli | 3 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 3, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.3 | pendula dum patuli uertuntur culmina caeli | Boniface | Enigma 4 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | aurea gens hominum scandat quod culmina caeli | 12 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 4, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.3 | pendula dum patuli uertuntur culmina caeli | Boniface | Enigma 8 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | caelicolaeque tenent iugiter me in culmine caeli | 8 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 8, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.3 | pendula dum patuli uertuntur culmina caeli | Wulfstan Cantor | Vita metrica S. Swithuni, Epistola specialis | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | factorique suo considere culmine caeli | 534 | Campbell 1950, 63-177 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Wulfstan Cantor: Vita metrica S. Swithuni, Epistola specialis, Campbell 1950, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.5 | peruigil excubiis: numquam dormire iuuabit | Frithegod | Breuiloquium vitae Wilfridi | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | peruigil excubias iesu dum soluis amatas | 846 | Campbell 1950, 4-62 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Frithegod: Breuiloquium vitae Wilfridi, Campbell 1950, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.12 | ni deus aethrali summus qui regnat in arce | Boniface | Enigma 13 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | regis caelorum summa qui regnat in arce | 45 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 13, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.16 | uincere spirantis nardi dulcedine plena | Boniface | Enigmata prologue | ||||||||||||||||
S2 | spirantes replet nardi flagrantia nares | 8 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigmata prologue, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.21 | altior en caelo rimor secreta tonantis | Tatwine | Enigma 24 | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | inferior terris et celis altior exsto | 5 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 24, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.22 | et tamen inferior terris tetra tartara cerno | Tatwine | Enigma 24 | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | inferior terris et celis altior exsto | 5 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 24, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.31 | dulcior in palato quam lenti nectaris haustus | Boniface | Enigmata prologue | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | manducans mulso inspireris nectaris haustu | 7 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigmata prologue, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.31 | dulcior in palato quam lenti nectaris haustus | Boniface | Enigma 13 | ||||||||||||||||
M2o | dulcius ut mulsum quaerant quam nectaris haustum | 55 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 13, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.31 | dulcior in palato quam lenti nectaris haustus | Boniface | Enigma 17 | ||||||||||||||||
M2a | usibus humanis dulcis ceu nectaris haustus | 2 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 17, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.35 | plus pernix aquilis zephiri uelocior alis | Tatwine | Enigma 1 | ||||||||||||||||
S3 | sum salamone sagacior et uelocior euro | 4 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 1, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.42 | nam silici densas quae fudit uiscere flammas | Tatwine | Enigma 34 | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | omnes enim diris complent mea uiscera flammae | 1 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 34, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.53 | limpida sum fateor titanis clarior orbe | Tatwine | Enigma 1 | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | clarior et phoebi radiis pretiosior auro | 5 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 1, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.53 | limpida sum fateor titanis clarior orbe | Boniface | Enigma 17 | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | limpida sum fateor saeua sed fraude maligna | 1 | Glorie 1968, 278-343 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Boniface: Enigma 17, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.55 | carceris et multo tenebris obscurior atris | Bede | De die iudicii | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | tristius et caelum tenebris obducitur atris | 53 | Fraipont 1955, 439-44 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Bede: De die iudicii, Fraipont 1955, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.67 | aut modico phoebi radiis qui uibrat atomo | Tatwine | Enigma 1 | ||||||||||||||||
M3a | clarior et phoebi radiis pretiosior auro | 5 | Glorie 1968, 165-208 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Tatwine: Enigma 1, Glorie 1968, 1998-12-08, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.78 | ex quibus ornatur praesentis machina mundi | Anon (Lat.) | De clauibus sapientiae | ||||||||||||||||
M2a | ex quis ornatus foecunda britannia splendet | 6 | Jones 1975 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: Andy Orchard, Anon (Lat.): De clauibus sapientiae, Jones 1975, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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100.78 | ex quibus ornatur praesentis machina mundi | Frithegod | Breuiloquium vitae Wilfridi | ||||||||||||||||
M3o | uisibus et domini praesans sit machina mundi | 1343 | Campbell 1950, 4-62 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Frithegod: Breuiloquium vitae Wilfridi, Campbell 1950, 1995-10-27, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information:
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Praef.1-3 | qui regmine … legibus illud | Byrhtferth | Vita S. Ecgwini | ||||||||||||||||
S1 | qui regmine … aeternis legibus | 391.26-8 | Giles 1854 | ||||||||||||||||
× How to citeFor referencing this record, please use the following: R.C. Love, Byrhtferth: Vita S. Ecgwini, Giles 1854, 2000-07-31, Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: World Wide Web Register, https://arts.st-andrews.ac.uk/fontes/, accessed 2025-02-09 Alternatively, please use the following information: