Lines 24-27 'and þa eode … hine to drihtene' cannot be found in Pulsiano. Cf Matthews 135.95-97: Presbyter autem dixit ei, "Veni, fili, et ostende ruinam serpentis." Abiit ergo cum eo et ostendit illi quod fecerat. Tunc presbyter orauit …
For lines 27-29, Matthews, 161, cites a reading closer than Pulsiano: Gratias tibi ago domine iesu christe per gloriam virtutis tuae et gloriam misericordie tuae et gloriam gratiae tuae quoniam ostendisti virtutem tuam pantaleone' (Paris, BN, 11758). For lines 36-37, cf Mombritius, 348.56 'permansimus' for Pulsiano 'obseruauimus'. This variant is also noted in three other MSS in Matthews, 163.
For lines 95-96 cf. Matthews 138.201-202: quos torquebat maximianus imperator pro Christo. Lines 96-98 'and þa forlet … geþeod' are closer to Matthews 138.205-206: Preterea omnis populus nichomediae ciuitatis dimittebat alios medicos et ad ipsum currebat. See also Matthews, 172, for comments on this reading.
For lines 112-13, 'and þa gemetton hi sume dæge hwær he wæs hælende ænne cristene mann', Matthews, 173, cites a reading from Brussels, BR, 98-100, also found in several other MSS: Post paucos vero dies invenerunt pantaleonem unum christianum curantem. For line 116 'hwæt we tealdon þæt he scolde þe heran', there is no corresponding text in Pulsiano, Mombritius or Matthews. Matthews, 174-75, comments on this. Also, line 117 'lufað' cannot be accounted for. For line 119 'mid suslum' Matthews, 175, cites the reading: in penis (Paris, BN, 2180). For line 120 'of þisse ceastre' cf Matthews 139.232-3: de hac ciuitate. For lines 120-21 'asyndrað he mænige men fram urum godum', Matthews, 176, cites the reading: multos separabit a diis (Brussels, BR, 9290).
Only the first clause is found in Pulsiano. Cf Mombritius 350.11-18: et cum duceretur psallebat dicens: Deus laudem meam ne taceas: quia os peccatoris et os dolosi super me apertum est. Locuti sunt aduersum me lingua dolosa et sermonibus odii circundederunt me gratis. Pro eo ut me diligerent detrahebant mihi: Et apposuerunt aduersum me mala pro bonis et odium pro dilectione mea. Adiuua me domine deus meus: et saluum me fac propter misericordiam tuam: ut induantur qui detrahunt mihi reuerentiam: et operiant se sicut diploide confusione sua. Seruus autem tuus laetabitur in te.' Matthews has only the beginning and end of this.
For lines 270-71, Matthews, 193, cites the reading: Omnes vero circumstantes qui viderunt mirati sunt. Imperator vero circumstantibus dixit (Brussels, BR, 98-100, and other MSS). For discussion of lines 272-74, see Matthews, 193-95. For lines 276-77 cf Matthews 144.386-88: Et circumstantes dixerunt, "Si iubeas, imperator, mittatur homo iste in profundum maris; nunquid et mari preualens imperabit." For lines 277-78, Matthews, 196, cites the reading: Tunc iussit eum imperator in mari proici (Paris, BN, 11758, and other MSS). For lines 280-81, Matthews, 196, cites the reading: ut videret exitum rei (Paris, BN, 11758, and other MSS).
For line 297 Matthews, 198, comments that there are no relevant readings found, but draws attention to the reading: Tunc iussum impletum est, imperator dixit (Paris, BN, 2180), for its correspondence with the OE 'and þa ... þa'. For lines 299-303 cf Matthews 145.411-18: et consule iuuentuti tue ne male pereas - et peius quam modo passe sunt mulieres." Et pantaleon dixit imperatori, "Omni confusione plene, uolens michi timorem incutere, fortiorem utique me fecisti. Si enim mulieres omnia tormenta sustinuerunt propter christum, quanto magis ego debeo ipso fauente uiriliter decertare ut talem coronam merear. For discussion of lines 304-306 see Matthews, 199-200. For 'þinum deorum' (line 306) cf Matthews 145.420: feras tuas.
For lines 308-12 the Latin text printed in Pulsiano has no relevant readings. Christ appears in the form of Hermolaus in the texts reproduced in Mombritius and Matthews. For lines 308-309 'and þa sona swa he wæs tomiddes þam deorum', Matthews, 201, cites the reading: Imperator iussit omnes feras adduci et sanctum pantaleonem inter eas mitti (Paris, BN, 2180). For lines 309-312 cf Matthews 145.429-146.433: cui apparuit christus in similitudine hermolai presbyteri et dixit ei, "Serue meus fidelis et bone, in pauca fuisti fidelis; in multa te constituam." This is very similar to Mombritius 351.49-50. For lines 313-16 cf Matthews 146.439-42: Et nulla ex ipsis feris recedebat nisi prius manus eius imposuisset idem sanctus; et benedicens sineret eas abire. For another reading, see Mombritius 351.52-53: et sic discesserunt propria uoce benedicentes deum. Matthews, 202, also cites a reading: Imponens itaque eis manum recedebant benedicentes dominum (Brussels, BR, 428-42; Brussels, BR, 98-100; and similar readings in other MSS). For lines 316-18 Matthews, 202, cites a reading which appears in four MSS: Cumque hec omnis populus vidisset, exclamaverunt voce magna dicentes (Brussels, BR, 428-42; Melk, BM, M6; Lilienfeld, ACL, 60; Heiligenkreuz, ASC, 13). For 'Seo þes halga on gelyfð' (lines 318-19) cf Matthews 146.444: Dimittatur sanctus dei iste. For discussion of 'Seo' and 'ongelyfð' see Matthews, 202.
The text printed in Pulsiano is not very helpful here. Lines 320-321 roughly correspond with Pulsiano [14].8-9; lines 326-28 with [14].9-10. Matthews 146.445-455 has: Tunc imperator maximianus occidit de populo mille uiros, et illas feras iussit occidi. Sanctus uero pantaleon benedicebat dominum dicens, "Gloria tibi, domine; magna est enim gloria tua quia non solum homines propter nomen tuum patiuntur, sed et fere elegerunt magis mori quam ut tangerent unum de seruis tuis." Tunc christiani uenientes occulte rapuerunt corpora hominum illorum qui occisi fuerant et sepelierunt ea. Fere autem per multos dies iacuerunt foris, et nulla uolatilia eas tetigerunt. For lines 319-320 Matthews, 203, cites the readings: Tunc furore repletus imperator iussit (Brussels, BR, 18018); Tunc furore plenus Maximianus iussit (Paris, BN, 5278; Paris, BN, 11758). For comments on lines 326-330, see Matthews, 203-204.
For line 382 Matthews, 210, cites the reading: et ingressus pantaleon domum presbyteri (Melk, BM, M6; Lilienfeld, ACL, 60; Heiligenkreuz, ASC, 13; Paris, BN, 5278; Brussels, BR, 18018; similar readings are also noted in four other MSS). For line 384 'Ic cume bearn' cf Matthews 148.511: Eamus. For lines 388-90 Matthews, 211, cites the reading: Cum autem venissent, nuntiatum est imperatori et iussit eos ingredi. Quibus ingressis dixit imperator (Brussels, BR, 98-100; and other MSS). For lines 392-93 see the comments in Matthews, 211, referring to the reading at Matthews 148.518-19: A parentibus meis hermolaus uocor; christianus sum.
For comments on the discrepancy between line 395 and the Latin text, see Matthews, 211-212. For line 396 'Ypochratis', Mattthews, 212, cites the reading: hipocratus (Paris, BN, 5301). For lines 399-400 Matthews, 212, cites the reading: Deus unus vocat nos ad se qui est dominus noster (Brussels, BR, 428-42; Brussels, BR, 98-100). For lines 403-404 'þæt he unc gehealde' see comments in Matthews, 213.
For lines 405-6 cf Matthews 149.538: ubi orationem faciebant. For lines 406-12 Matthews, 213-14, cites the reading: et ceciderunt idola in terra et comminuta sunt (Paris, BN, 5301, with similar readings in several MSS). For lines 407-8, cf Matthews 149.539: Imperator uero, timore ductus, dixit eis. For lines 409-12, see Matthews, 214-15, for discussion of the discrepancy with the Latin text. For lines 412-13 Matthews, 215, cites the reading: Eadem eo loquentes (Brussels, BR, 18018). For discussion of line 414 'datianus' see Matthews, 215-16.
For lines 426-28 cf Mombritius 352.50-51: Pantaleon respondit: Non habeo opus respondere de hoc sermone. Matthews, 216, cites similar readings, especially that in three MSS: Non est mihi necessarium respondere tibi de hoc verbo. (Paris, BN, 5324; Paris, BN, 14364; Paris, BN, 5271). For the link 'and þa cwæð Maximianus se casere' cf Matthews 150.560: Imperator dixit. For line 432 'beforan þe' Matthews, 216, cites the reading: ante te (Paris, BN, 5324; Paris, BN, 14364; Paris, BN, 5271; Paris, BN, 11758; Brussels, BR, 18018; Paris, BN, 5278; Paris, BN, 5301). For lines 430-31 cf Matthews 150.563-4: Cognoscens autem sanctus pantaleon per spiritum sanctum quia iam a deo coronati erant. For lines 433-34 cf Matthews 150.568: causas meas acturos. For lines 435-36 Matthews, 217, comments on the discrepancy between the OE and the Latin texts and cites the reading: Bene dicis canis cum soleas mentiri. Modo vero recte dixisti (Melk, BM, M6; Lilienfeld, ACL, 60; Heiligenkreuz, ASC, 13 and similar readings in two other MSS). Matthews also gives another reading: Bene indigne canis soles mentiri, sed modo verum dixisti (Paris, BN, 5278; Brussels, BR, 18018 and similarly in four other MSS).
For lines 457-58 Matthews, 218, cites the reading: Levans sanctus pantaleon manus suas ad celum (MS not stated, but similar readings are noted in Paris, BN, 5278 and Brussels, BR, 18018). For line 460 'eallum þissum manum' cf Matthews 151.591: omnibus istis. For line 461 Matthews, 218, cites the reading: Et vox de celo respondit (Paris, BN, 5301; Brussels, BR, 98-100; Brussels, BR, 428-42; Brussels, BR, 18018; Paris, BN, 5278; Paris, BN, 11758; Brussels, BR, 9290). For lines 462-68 cf Matthews 151.594-602: Et uox de caelo facta est dicens, "Serue meus bone fidelis, completa sunt desideria tua; aperti sunt tibi caeli, chorus angelorum te expectat, corona tua parata est. Iam non diceris pantaleon sed pantaleimon, id est omnium miserans, unde et multos liberaturus es. Tu enim spes nauigantium et refugium egenorum, susceptor quoque eorum qui opprimuntur et egrotantium medicus ac demonum persecutor." For line 464 'and þin setl is gewuldrad þæt þe gegearawad is' Matthews, 218, comments and cites the reading: tronus tuus adest, corona preparata est tibi (Paris, BN, 5301; Brussels, BR, 98-100; Melk, BM, M6; Lilienfeld, ACL, 60 and similar readings in three other MSS). For line 465 'ac þu bist mildheortnes gecweden' Matthews, 218, cites the reading: sed misericors vocaberis (Paris, BN, 5324; Paris, BN, 5271; Paris, BN, 14364; Paris, BN, 2180 and a similar reading in another MS). For comments on lines 466-68 see Matthews, 218-19.