
Anon (OE)Vercelli homily 8Scragg 1992


Anon (OE)Vercelli homily 8motus postea misericordia cum expulsus de paradiso242.18-19Caesarius of Arles
Scragg 199251-52and þa ðu wære … ic þe wolde eft miltsianSermonesCCSL, ed. G. Morin, 2 vols, CCSL 103-4 (Turnhout, 1953).
Anon (OE)Vercelli homily 8norxnawonges wlite nyde sceoldes agiefan geomormod1405-1406Anonymous
Scragg 199251-52and þa ðu wære … ic þe wolde eft miltsianChrist IIIASPR, ed. G.P. Krapp and E.V.K. Dobbie, [The Exeter Book,] ASPR 3 (New York, 1936), pp. 27-49.
Anon (OE)Vercelli homily 8ða mec ongon hreowan þæt min hondgeweorc on feonda geweald1414-1415Anonymous
Scragg 199251-52and þa ðu wære … ic þe wolde eft miltsianChrist IIIASPR, ed. G.P. Krapp and E.V.K. Dobbie, [The Exeter Book,] ASPR 3 (New York, 1936), pp. 27-49.