
AelfricNapier homily 31Napier 1883
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 1bBethurum 1957
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 2Bethurum 1957
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 3Bethurum 1957
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 4Bethurum 1957
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 5Bethurum 1957
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 6Bethurum 1957
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 12Bethurum 1957
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 8bBethurum 1957
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 8cBethurum 1957
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 9Bethurum 1957
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 10aBethurum 1957
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 10cBethurum 1957
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 11Bethurum 1957
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 13Bethurum 1957
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 14Bethurum 1957
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 15Bethurum 1957
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 16bBethurum 1957
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 17Bethurum 1957
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 18Bethurum 1957
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 19Bethurum 1957
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 20 (EI)Bethurum 1957
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 21Bethurum 1957
AnonymousExcerpts from Defensor on TransienceBethurum 1957, 340
AnonymousOld English Sermon 'De cena domini'Bethurum 1957, 366-72
Wulfstan of YorkHomilies (Latin and Old English)Bethurum 1957
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 7Bethurum 1957
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 7aBethurum 1957


Wulfstan of YorkHomily 4he neadað þurh yfelnysse … scyppendes geleafan84-85Aelfric
Bethurum 195745-9þa þe he elles … deað geðolianCatholic Homilies, First SeriesClemoes 1997
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 4þa ofslihð … mid halgum martyrdome93-94Aelfric
Bethurum 195745-9þa þe he elles … deað geðolianCatholic Homilies, First SeriesClemoes 1997
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 4quos uero non poterit muneribus … crudeliter necabit25.81-5Adso of Montier-en-Der
Bethurum 195745-9þa þe he elles … deað geðolianDe ortu et tempore AntichristiCCCM, ed. D. Verhelst 1976, CCCM 45 (Turnhout, 1976), pp. 20-30.
Wulfstan of YorkHomily 5and eall mancynn … he gehealden habban wile11-14Wulfstan of York
Bethurum 1957108-11and eal hit forwurde … he fordeð þæne þeodfeondHomilies (Latin and Old English)Bethurum 1957