
Date: Friday 20th June 2014
Venue: Swallowgate, School of Classics, University of St Andrews
No 40 on this map: University of St Andrews map

Arrival and coffee from 10am (S6, 1st floor)

Morning session (S11, 2nd floor)
10.30-11.15 Antony Augoustakis ‘Burial and lament in Flavian epic: Mothers, fathers, children’
11.15-12.00 Neil Bernstein ‘Mutua vulnera: dying together in the Flavian epic family’
12.00-12.45 Emma Buckley ‘Boreads and Harpies: Unhappy Families in Argonautica  4′

Lunch 12.45-14.15 (S6)

Afternoon session (S11)
14.15-15.00 Federica Bessone ‘The Hero’s Expanded Family. Familial and Narrative Tensions in Statius’ Achilleid
15.00-15.45 Peter Heslin ‘Queen, slave, nurse, mother: literary genre and the metamorphoses of Hypsipyle’
15.45-16.30 Nikoletta Manioti ‘Becoming sisters: Antigone and Argia in Statius’ Thebaid

Coffee 16.30-17.00 (S6)

17.00-17.30 Round table (S11)

Drinks 17.30-18.00 (S6)

Workshop dinner (exact time and place TBA)