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Ecclesjohn Parish Church

Summary description

The site of this foundation is unknown.

Historical outline

There is some doubt as to whether there was an independent pre-Reformation parish of Ecclesjohn.(1) At the Reformation, however, a parsonage and vicarage valued at 20 merks per annum was recorded, but with no information relating to the benefice-holder.(2) It was noted in 1583 that ‘there is within the […] parochin of Dwn (Dun, St Andrews diocese) ane small benefice callit the personage of Eglisjohne, being of auld ane chappell erectit for pilgrimage, and having onlie the teind of ane pleuch of land or thairby, wanting ane kirk thir mony zeiris bygane’.(3)  Two years later, Ecclesjohn was referred to specifically as a parish in a precept for a charter of confirmation of alienations made by the Erskines of Dun, but with no further information to clarify its independent status.(4)


1. Cowan, Parishes, 58.

2. Kirk (ed), Book of Assumptions, 372.

3. Registrum Epsicopatus Brechinensis, ii, Appendix, no.328.

4. Registrum Epsicopatus Brechinensis, ii, Appendix, no.344.