Upcoming After Empire sessions at the Leeds International Medieval Congress 2017

After Empire is very pleased to announce our two sessions “Tenth-Century Uses of the Past” at the 2017 International Medieval Congress at the University of Leeds. Both of our panels ask how authors and communities dealt with, imagined, used and not used the various pasts available to them after the end of the Carolingian Empire. Our first session focuses on bishops, law and liturgy, while our second examines communities remembering kings and bishops.

Session 1537: 10th-Century Uses of the Past I
Thursday 6 July 2017: 09.00-10.30
Moderator: Stefan Esders

Paper 1537a – Remembering Bad Bishops: Flodoard’s Presentation of Rheim’s Troubled Past (Edward Roberts, University of Liverpool)

Paper 1537b – Searching for the Past in 10th-Century Liturgical Manuscripts: A Cast Study (Lenneke van Raaij, University of Exeter)

Paper 1537c – Remembering Law in 10th-Century Germany (Alice Hicklin, Freie Universität Berlin)

Session 1637: 10th-Century Uses of the Past II
Thursday 6 July 2017: 11.15-12.45

Moderator: Matthias Tischler

Paper 1637a – Reading Waltharius in the Ottonian Empire (Simon MacLean, University of St Andrews)

Paper 1637b – From the Outside Looking In: Rather of Verona’s Notions of Community between Past and Present (Jelle Wassenaar, Institüt für Mittelalterforschung, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien)

Paper 1637c – Remembering the Carolingians at Prum: The Liber Aureus and Regino’s Chronicon Contrasted (Elina Screen, University of Oxford)


